66- End of Chapter 21

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They were endless. And she tried, slipped between their legs, escaped the lunges and the clawed hands. She was small and quick, and that made her faster. But it wasn't enough, and she soon found herself hacking away at flesh. Her blade slicing at voice boxes, at arteries and veins that sprayed clotted gushing blood.

She was surrounded by the dead.

Zombies, she thought, body bleeding and bruised. Lonely were like zombies, only their bodies did not rot and strength remained in their bones. It was difficult to think about survival, not when her lungs burned and her body ached. Her legs growing tingly and numb from hurt.

And then there was a roar, an idiotic wolf's howl. She turned back to see Rowan tearing through the crowd, teeth sinking into rot, tossing Lonely into the air one after another with paws that thumped hard into the dirt. And then Zen who'd transformed too into his own wolf of silver and gold, tearing through the Lonely, glittering like stardust in the storm.

It was a form that no one should have the privilege of seeing except for his mates. A form that he kept hidden behind walls, a form that he did not reveal to Euodia, a form that Quinn only knew of from the book. Quinn turned back to her own enemies. They were risking their own lives. But they were after her. Panic flooded her throat. No.

"Go back!" she screamed. "Leave me be!" Her blade sang, dug into flesh. Teeth tore at her shoulder. "Find another Alpha!"

"It's not safe!" Zen cried, wings on his back, rising into the sky like the moon. "Rowan's sorry!"

"You'll find another fucking girl!" she answered, panting hard. "A woman that actually wants that life!" Another took a bite out of her thigh. She decapitated the beast. "I'll be fine!"

And then Rowan's roar, pitched and higher than anything she'd ever heard from him. He was pissed, but terror was laced in each word. "You're going to die, you stupid girl! You think you can survive this? You think you can defeat what our army can't?"

"I'LL BE FINE!" She heaved, carving bone. A third nicked her, and she muffled a scream.

"STAY THERE!" Zen shrieked, his voice piercing her heart. "PLEASE!" It shook her, the way it undulated, burning with emotion, with pain. And it was excruciating to hear it ripple from his lips, wet and raw. "I'LL PROTECT YOU. I SAID I WILL!"

"YOU DIDN'T!" She shouted back, eyes growing wet again, throat burning hot. "You didn't."

And it was then when Float struggled, a moment in the blade of blue. The Lonely roared, stumbling forward, feral breath misting her cheeks. Flesh hanging from bone, grunting as it gurgled red foam and thick strings of drool. It's teeth of sharp rot. She flinched, arms raised, waiting for the sink of its teeth into her neck—

A hiss and the air crackled. The monsters were slammed back as a portal of rippling purple and blue opened before her eyes. And five Omegas stepped out in a rush, with weapons raised, bodies bathed in gold. A teleportation device. Quinn sank to the ground, eyes wide, horror bubbling in her throat.

The seven men she had wronged. They were all here.

No. No. No.

Her eyes swept over the five, Euodia's memories flooding her brain. The vampires. Icarus and Elysian. The fey. Solar and Helios. The wolves. Klaus. Her gaze darted back. Rowan. And finally Zen, the mixed-blood. The seven men Euodia had wronged.

The seven kings of the world.

They stared at her, gazes sharp, looking as handsome as ever. Just as the soldiers dealt with the monsters, sweeping out and forming a circle of protective metal. They materialised with the desperation of her thoughts, gorgeous beings, the most gorgeous of Omegas in the world.

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