36-End of Chapter 11

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He began to cry, and she swore there were real tears, glittering in dazed half-lidded eyes. His slick spilling down raised hips, trickled like rivulets of silver. His hands closing into fists as he squeezed so tight around the head of his cock. Then slipped the sensitive flesh over the webbing of his fingers, his hands teased at the spongey curve.

His thumbs were drawing circles around the slit, dipping into the fluttering hole. He thrust and fisted, cock so veiny, so thick and so angry. Then he was on his knees, ass to her fucking face. And he continued fucking his hands, his hole gaping and closing as he shoved it closer to her face. It was a very pretty pink, spewed sweet clear syrupy like sleek, and looked far too clean for an asshole.

Quinn blew out a breath, completely mind fucked by the nudity before her. He was like a goddamn cat in Heat.

"Alpha, am gonna cum," he began to cry, shaking violently. His arms moving rapidly around his cock. "Could cum. Rowan could cum. Please, please. Please. Nga—"

He gasped, hips stilling and yet nothing came. There were small jerks of his body, a wail stuck in his throat. His cock continued to stand, hard and angry. And then he seemed to snap, leaned back with a growl far too malicious to be normal. He turned; teeth barred. And Quinn could only stare at the sharpness of his incisors that caught the light.

"Fuck!" he snarled, poison dripping from his lips, a semblance of recognition flashing in his eyes. He sat up, spun on the sheets almost crazed. "FUCK!" A hand was raised, and she noted now the ripple of fur, the twist of wolf ears forming upon his head, human flesh steadily vanishing. His teeth only grew sharper, and fur lined the corners of a sharp jawline. "Fucking beta bitch, fucking with my body, cursing my fucking cock."

She flinched, her eyes growing wide. Did he know? Could he tell? But he didn't seem to, swaying upon the nest. His eyes dancing around, madly. His hands moving to adjust more sheets. The peach was snatched from the ground and crushed, the juices dripping all over his hands. He licked it, then scowled as if disgusted.

The ruined fruit was thrown across the ground. Quinn thought about cleaning it but he roared, rage rippling through his skin. His powers burning through the ground, and she could feel his heat radiating in waves like a furnace.

"Can't fucking cum. I can't fucking cum!" He seemed to break, tears running down his cheeks as he shook. "It hurts. It hurts." And this had her heart breaking for him.

His eyes were on her now, no longer orange. The colour was gone, and all that was left was an endless void. A primordial darkness that had her shivering, warning bells going off in her head. But there was no where to run no matter how hard her body begged her to leave. They seemed to shiver, trained upon her soul as if he were drinking her in deep. And then he began to sniff the air, he paused, wet his lips.

"Alpha..." he purred, and suddenly he was docile, eyes wide. "Alpha..." He leaned closer, beautiful face once again catching the light. He dipped low, seemed almost ready to pounce. And that got her tongue flopping into action.

"Fuck," the first words out of her mouth were a gasp. "Uh, sir..." she cautioned as he took a curious step towards her. "I'm not an Al—" He swayed in his nest, his eyes fixated on her neck. And she decided to change her tactic. If he wanted her to be an Alpha, she would be one. "Why don't you stay in your..." Her mind stretched, searched for the right words to say to an Omega. "Pretty nest?"

"Pretty?" he blinked; lips parted.

"It's uh, yeah," she cleared her throat searched her mind for lines from porn. "Perfect for raising kids—uh pups."

"Good for pups?" his smile was almost loopy. She was distinctly reminded of Helios, and she wondered if he had the same affliction. Was just as mentally ill as his mate was. It explained the change in plot and story. God, they were all insane. Euodia was truly a cunt.

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