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"Breakfast," he groaned, his chin was on her shoulder now, and she felt the tickle of his breath on her neck. He let out a mellifluous giggle, and it erupted out of him in a sweet coo. "And I'll sleep on top of you, my beautiful Alpha."

"Fuck no," she yelled back but her heart was launching at his sudden praise, at how the words spilt from his tongue in a whimper. "The lightning did a number on you. You're either drugged or you've lost all your brain cells. Shit," she groaned, slapping a hand to her forehead as she swerved. "I took advantage of you, didn't I? Tell me, will you kill me when you wake?"

"No, Alpha," he murmured, shaking his head, and feigning adorable innocence. But his smile was so big, he seemed genuinely crazed. He cuddled into her back and wrapped his feathers tighter around her frame. "Only if you let me in your pants."

"I'm not an Alpha," she told him, her eyes darting back to the road. "And I'm not risking my entire life on this shit. Currently, you're just my pet project, and I'm dropping you off where they'll look for you." She considered where she could leave him. "In town, at the transportation zone like some lost dog."

"I'm not lost," there was a seriousness in his voice now, as if he'd grown sober just from her words. "I'm free." His voice deepened, grew darker with each word more dangerous. She glanced back and noted a scowl, her gaze darted to the hardness in his eyes. Within him was a serpent, venom dripping from his lips. "I'm finally alive."

"Not out here," she laughed, trying to dispel the quiet alarm that grew in her chest. "Not in the wasteland." There was a rush of blood in her ears, her mind trying to pick apart at his words at what it meant for the story, for the reasons why he was here. "Not where the Lonely are."

"And that's where I belong," his voice was unusually soft, but it perked up quickly, "with you." He beamed, brazen and she felt her heart skip a beat. She choked out a laugh, felt the shift in his mood. But she didn't question the change of topic.

She took a turn towards a lake that spanned long and far towards the horizon. It was murky, flooding with briny vapour and filled with the remains of rotting organic waste from its history. Once, it must have been a place of clear waters and teeming fish, but now the lake was an unidentifiable sludge that oozed with chemicals in iridescent hues. In the past its smell had wrung out vomit straight from her stomach, stinging her throat, but now she had grown used to the horrible stench.

Nothing out here was pretty and dainty, meant for a person like Helios. And she knew that when he curled into her body, nose darting to bump against her neck searching for relief from the stench. She prayed to god he wouldn't puke on her clothes.

"Sorry, my home's around here," she said, pointing to the trees. "The lake's good security, plenty of hidden traps and holes."

"For the monsters?"

"Kind of," she answered, "they don't like the smell. But it's to protect me from people, the ones that kill and raid. There's plenty of good folk, of course. But it's a selfish world out here." Her expression grew pinched, and she glanced back at her passenger, reconsidering her choice to throw him out into town at dawn. "I'll stick around for a while tomorrow until you're safe. Give you a dagger and then a stun gun."

"Whatever," he snorted, "I'm much stronger than you think, don't need your weapons." And the haughty Helios was back within the strange openness of his new personality borne from the electricity. Quinn didn't believe that he'd be just as friendly once his brain was fixed. She turned her gaze back towards home.

"You know, maybe I should cover your eyes," she hummed, "I don't want you knocking on my door weeks later."

"That's fucking pointless," he answered, rubbing his cheek on her back, "I can smell you from hundreds of miles away." The fact made her raise a brow, and she felt his shrug against her back. "I was halfway across the world. Could find you even in a storm."

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