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He felt the ache in his teeth, venom spilling from his fangs. His face was hot. He saw her then, how she angled her neck, pulled at the leather. An offering. There was a small smile on her lips.

"Go ahead. It's the least I can do." Her voice was soft, softer as she gazed at him with something odd in her eyes. "You saved my life again, you took care of me through the night." She murmured and there was a rush through his veins, a bite of guilt when his eyes darted to her leg. Her eyes were bright when they locked with his own, honeyed in the light. "Thank you." Her fingers tugged at the collar of her shirt.

"Stop." His mouth watered tongue dry and begging for rich, rich velvet and fruit. His cock throbbed at the idea of it, running hot into his belly. "I don't want your blood."

He didn't want a woman's blood tainting his lips–But God it'd taste like heaven, like sin, like everything good–His stomach growled again, louder this time. He wouldn't be able to hold his Omega back if he had her in his arms, her blood in his mouth.

Quinn gestured and he dug his fingers into the flesh of his arm.

"I insist."

"I–" he turned pink. "But you're still weak."

"I'll be fine."

"I can't," he shook his head, cheeks pink. "I won't be able to hold back with your blood in my mouth." His voice pitched higher, his pants felt tighter.

"Hold back?" She regarded him and he believed that his face betrayed his truth, the redness of it stretching far to his shoulders. But she didn't seem to notice. "Don't worry," there was a kindness in her eyes. "I'll stop you."

"You don't understand," his voice was breathy. There was a sweetness in the air and it seemed to draw a haze over his eyes.

"Come here," she nodded to him. There was something in her voice that turned his head mushy. "I'll be okay."


"You were gnawing on me, you must be starving–"

"Y-you don't understand," his mind was a mess as he blurted the words in a weak, whiny tone. He tried to remind himself that this was a woman that looked like Euodia. But he couldn't see her in Quinn's eyes, not when she looked at him like this. "Alpha, I'm not hungry that way."

"Z," she murmured, and Zen was suddenly yearning to tell her his name so that she could whisper it to him. Zen, Zen, Zen. "You won't drink me dry."

Her voice was a timbre that had his slick spilling from him creamy and sweet. It flowed, sticky and hot as it ran down his thighs.

This was nothing like Euodia, Euodia who'd send his heart racing in a beat so fast it was akin to fear. Euodia who'd make his guts churn and his heart sink. With Quinn he was flighty, he was soaring.

"Alpha," Zen moaned, eyes hazy, lost in the need of it all. His thighs squeezed together. "A-Alpha I'm hungry," he squeaked, the pant escaping his throat in a breathy whine. "I'm-I'm so hungry."

"Come here." And he was there, his arms around her holding on, eyes wide, a moan dripping from his tongue. His cheeks pressed to the column of her throat. He lifted himself, straddling her waist.

"I'm so, so hungry," he whispered, fingers laced around her neck, hair falling. "For you." His cheeks grew warmer, body heating up. His fey tasted her, sucking down emotions and feelings. "I w-want you so much it hurts. G-gods please touch me, touch–"


His eyes widened, his fey tasting only the zesty tang of surprise, the sweet arousal gone. And her eyes moved down to the bulge in his pants. The shock was obvious and this had him growing horribly embarrassed. The alarm in her eyes was a slap to the cheek.

Your Omegas Are Mine 1| Euodia's Sun | Omegaverse Apocalyptic Reverse HaremWhere stories live. Discover now