Chapter 99: Incognito

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Chapter 99: Incognito

Rumbling across the land as his tires slung loose rocks and dirt, YN's mind was focused on what he'll need to accomplish once he reached Fleur, the town he'd certainly find Emilia's carriage waiting for the highway to reopen.

I've got a lot to deal with here... Thankfully this time around I know which carriage I'll be dealing with. That saves a lot of guess work.

YN thought over the entire situation in a very meticulous manner. Numbering off the hurdles in his mind, he mulled over how to go about dealing with each.

We've got the Driver. He's a Knight but he's also a scumbag, and was probably bribed or paid off by the thieves in advance. Normally a knight wouldn't do that, or so Julius might want to say, but I'm willing to bet Driver-san is prejudiced against Emilia.

Least to say, YN did not believe the Driver was aware of the Witch Cult being involved.

As for the thieves themselves, one used Earth Magic, the other used Fire. They seem to want to avoid open combat, so I don't think they're that skilled. But I should be aware to not corner them, especially together since that'll be a fight I can't win with a stagnant Gate.

YN: And finally...

The most unknown entity involved.

That Witch Cult woman...

Recalling the young woman with auburn, or almost orange hair and distinct freckles upon her face, Rem was certain she smelled the Witch's Miasma on her, and Subaru corroborated her adornment in Cultist robes.

She fled the moment the theft occurred, so it's unlikely I'll directly deal with her so long as the thieves don't escape. She's probably going to get the other Witch Cultists in position for their own ambush.

Truthfully, by all the accounts YN had witnessed and observed, it seemed the Witch Cult had infiltrated the thieves, and was simply using them as a way to separate Puck from Emilia.

That would make sense if they wanted to weaken Emilia... But why did they give it back to Subaru?

Their angle in this all still seemed too confusing. But what mattered now, was stopping the theft, and most certainly keeping the thieves from reaching Arlem and causing the attack to commence earlier then normal.

The other problem now though is that the theft only started in Fleur last time thanks to Rem and I delaying the reopening of the Highway...

And that was true. Their trick with making a large amount of steam to mimic the mist had delayed the road reopening, and thus had forced the thieves hand into acting early. This prevented them from having everything go as planned, and thus reduced their chance for success, advantages YN would need.

I've got to figure out a way to get the theft to happen early again. If it happens out on the Highway like it did when Subaru found Emilia in the very first loop, I lose any chance of stopping it.

Thinking more as he approached Fleur, one last key aspect stood out to him.

Rem had noticed them watching us as we approached last time I was here... That's going to make this entire ordeal that much harder...

With the city in view out on the horizon, YN stopped his car and contemplated just how much he'd stick out just upon arrival alone.

They'll see the car and immediately know it's me. I wonder if they recognized it from the Royal Selection Conference...

Knowing he'd need to park a distance away now, the advent of them recognizing him as well was a threat.

Hopefully they won't be watching the entrance of the city, and rather just the area where all the carriages are lined up. Still though... even if I walk there from a distance, they'll still definitely see me at some point, which just means once they do, I'll be far from my only method of catching up with them once the highway re-opens and will be on higher alert they're being followed.

Shaking his head in frustration, YN found another unaddressed issue.

All that still won't matter since the White Whale will just show up and erase them all. If only I could get close and cause some sort of distraction while remaining unknown as to who I am...

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