Chapter 121 The Green, Green Grass of Home.

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A/N: Hello friends. This week's chapter is much shorter, but ultimately it's a chapter I've had envisioned for a long, long time. In addition, this chapter also features an artwork by RelpamaKun on twitter. (FFnet users unfortunately can't see it for obvious reasons)

I hope you all enjoy it.


Chapter 121 The Green, Green Grass of Home.

Rumbling along, the carriage YN rode in rattled into familiar sights.

The sun above was bright and cheery. Few clouds littered the sky, and the bountiful blueness of the skies could be seen from horizon to horizon.

Blue skies.


Blue, much like the hair of the woman he was coming home to see finally, after so long.

Arlem had managed to look the same after all this time. Surprisingly, the small, ultimately insignificant village remained stagnant in both its appearance, and its residents.

Few of its residents recognized the carriage, and even fewer recognized YN, even with the carriage's windows open to the warm breeze from outside.

Time is a fickle thing to memory, isn't it?

The village in a sense, even having been gone from it for so long, was his hometown now. While YN felt he should feel more heartfelt having finally returned through it, there was one spot further up the road he was bound for, where all things precious and important to him waited.

It was only a short bit longer that it would be till he arrived there, and soon, she'd be there to see him too.

It's been so long...

He had left her side, still asleep, when he'd set out on his wayward and distant quest, and it had taken what had felt like a lifetime to accomplish.

But now—

We'll have a lot to catch up on, won't we?

With a strong spirit, his destination came into sight.

YN: I'm home... I'm truly, truly home.

Pulling up to the familiar gates to its long paved entrance, YN sat himself up and prepared to depart.

Here it goes...

Stepping down from the carriage with but one worn, leather suitcase in his hands, there were already two souls here to meet him as he arrived. As his equally worn shoes touched the cobblestone makeup of the road, YN was met by their friendly expressions, warm and inviting.

Roswaal: Ahhh YN-saaaaaan how fortunate it is for us that you return in good health.

Removing his morning top-hat as he said this, the Margrave YN hadn't seen in such a long time held the brim of it to his chest as he bowed his head forward. And as for the other soul to his side—

Ram: —It is Ram's pleasure to welcome you home, YN-sama.

Bowing as she said this, the peach-haired maid smiled brightly at his figure.

While YN was dressed in old, worn, but not tattered formal dress-wear, equivalent to what a traveling noble might wear, he appeared as he did when he first left the Mansion. His appearance now after this long journey was impactful against the two he now stood in front of, since when they had only last seen him, the same outfit was still fresh with newness.

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