Chapter 119: Tears In Heaven

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Chapter 119: Tears In Heaven

Floating, as if he were a castaway at sea, YN traversed the inky black nothingness of death. Absent of all feeling, he was neither relieved, nor pained anymore from his fatal injury.

Subaru must still be alive... At least maybe he'll die, and Rem will be saved...

While he loathed wishing death upon his friend, right now, it would be the right thing to have happen.

Provided the respawn point hasn't drastically changed, I think we'll be fine.

YN was anxious any time he awaited to live again. Who's to say Return By Death couldn't malfunction and cause them to be essentially "soft-locked" into a near instant death. Or at worst, leave him behind while Subaru went on.

Every second Subaru lived past YN, was a moment their point of Return might change.

But, feeling his consciousness begin to move, YN felt his soul pour back into his body.

Here we go...


Beginning to wake at the gentle tickle of light against his closed eyes, gone was the dank, dirty, and moist feeling he expected to feel of the Witch's Tomb's floor.

But around him, his orientation was different as well.

Rather, he felt more comfortable.

Wiggling his toes, they felt a fine cloth around them. —Bed sheets, most likely.

With a large, wake-up breath, he inhaled through his nose as he instinctively stretched his arms.

Smelling the aroma of clean, washed sheets, and freshly cut flowers, the curiosity caused by these acute differences finally intrigued the groggy YN to open his eyes.

— — —


Nothing but white above him.

Given the sensations, something told his mind this was halfway correct. White was the correct color he should be seeing at this moment, however, what it lacked was a texture.

This was no white ornate ceiling with gold trim.

No, this was just white.

And while the bed felt familiar, and upon feeling it's frame, YN came to one obvious conclusion—

YN: —this isn't my room.

Garnering the strength to sit up, YN looked about at his surroundings.

Or rather, lack thereof.


Nothing surrounded him except for an infinite expanse of white.

YN had found himself in this "waiting room" once more; the great White Room.

Except this time, rather than just laying on the floor, YN found himself in a bed. —His bed.

This is... new.

Pulling the covers off of himself, he quickly realized his clothes had changed as well.

Why am I in my original clothes?

Pulling his shirt up, he also confirmed his previous injury was gone as well.

Sliding himself to rotate, he placed his feet off the bed, and onto the "floor."

YN: First a bed, and now we've got heated floors? Is this place under new management or something?

Curious if his "home away from home" had been altered for any reason, he realized his bed was not the only new furnishing in this space.

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