Chapter 72: The Endless Eight - Finale

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A/N: Hello everyone and welcome to this week's chapter! Last week's was very long, but I hope you all got to see some self reflection from Rem and get some nice ideas from it. This week we have a normal length chapter, so please enjoy!

This is the final installment in the "Endless Eight" mini-arc. Next week we will begin one final short story that will occupy some time before the beginning of Arc 3, so please look forward to that!

Chapter 72: The Endless Eight - Finale

Quietly stepping down to the floor that most of the mansion's residents slept on, Rem and YN walked hand-in-hand to her own bedroom. Entering inside, Rem's blue curtains fluttered with a slight breeze as they stepped inside the room.

Rem: Please, have a seat on Rem's bed, she will shut the window.

Doing as she requested, YN planted himself on Rem's plush bed. Adorned in blue sheets, they were cool to the touch, and silky smooth. Unlike the covers on his own bed, these were of very high quality. Matching the hue of her curtains, it was a blue that was not unlike the color of her own hair.

Having shut the window, Rem turned on a few of the little crystal lamps she had in her room. With one slightly brighter on the opposite wall of them, and the two dim ones on each of her nightstands, the area was lit with a soft, yet warm light that reflected well off the fancy white walls with gold trim and ornate ceiling designs.

I don't think I've ever been inside her room when I could actually see.

Even though he felt like he knew Rem well, YN couldn't shake the feeling he had about seeing her room in such detail now. Seeing Rem's own quarters felt very, exotic in a way.

I mean, this is the closest representation of how Rem would decorate and arrange a house of her own, isn't it?

Somewhat lost in thought to only surprise himself at the prospect of one day living with Rem, what had finally snapped him back to the present was Rem laying her head on the bed next to where he sat.

While lost in thought, she had walked to the opposite half of the bed YN sat on, and in turn had also sat down. But going further, Rem laid on her back, finding herself perpendicular to the bed's length. With her head halfway across the bed, her legs still hung over as if still sitting.

Gently patting the area behind YN, she prompted him to mimic her. Letting his back fall to the bed, the two were now laying next to each other in opposite directions, yet their heads were close to one another.

But, due to differences in height, YN's head had wound up closer to her chest to his immediate peripheral vision. And with Rem's head ending up closer to his own chest as well, she had taken the opportunity to cozy up to it, drawing herself closer. As she did, the closest part of Rem's chest had pushed against the side of YN's face. They both had already shifted to the sides of Rem's chest as gravity would have them with her lying on her back, and with her clothes unable to offer much support in this position, the closest of her endowments had just ever-so-slightly rested its weight on the very side of YN's face.

YN: — — —

Looking as far down as his eye could permit, all he could see was Rem gently nuzzling her face against him.

I really can't say who's enjoying themselves more here...

As Rem gently rocked her head in comfort, the motions did slightly transfer to the rest of her body, letting her endowment remind YN where it was with each—


Had it not been for their arms separating them completely, YN worried just how much he would have to be forced to endure in this.

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