Chapter 69: The Endless Eight - Part 15

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A/N: Hello and welcome to apex of this loop and of this mini-arc! This one is a little bit longer then usual but its packed with action! This chapter was very fun to write so I hope you all enjoy it! Near the end of this is a very nice piece of artwork I had commissioned of Rem in this chapter, so please look forward to that!


Chapter 69: The Endless Eight – Part 15

As the second strike of the gong echoed out into the crisp night air, the three that were set to take the stage emerged from behind the curtain. Letting Emilia take the first several paces out, YN and Subaru followed suit behind her, keeping their distance uniform as she proceeded down the runway to its edge. From there, Emilia hoped to project her voice to as many as she could, being in the very center of the crowd that had gathered.

Walking down the runway, YN did his best to keep his back straight, and his face expressionless. The less attention he drew to himself, the more would be on Emilia. Keeping his hands behind his back, Subaru noticed this and copied it, hoping to keep a uniform appearance.

Reaching the end of the runway, Emilia came to a stop, and so did the two that followed her. Perhaps maybe only arms length away, they seemed to be more like security guards then they were confidants of the royal candidate.

As Emilia cleared her throat and swallowed her nervousness, YN's eyes scanned the crowd.

First seeing Julio, he was off to Subaru's side of the runway. Arms crossed and swords barely visible under the dark cloak he now wore, YN would not have recognized him had his large pair of spectacles not reflected the lantern might all around them under his conical straw hat.

He's obviously lived up to his words yet again, but that get-up is new...

Scanning those around him more, his eyes caught the familiar hue of blue that always set the chemicals in his brain to a state of relief and relaxation.

Standing just off to his side of the runway was the maid who held his heart. Still wearing her beautiful pink dress, Rem smiled at YN. Bringing a hand up through, she blew a kiss aimed right for him, causing his face to turn a slight shade of scarlet.

She's teasing me with that, isn't she?!

But, seeing as Emilia was done preparing herself, YN turned all his attention not to her, but to the outskirts of the festival.



Anticipating the arrival of the shape-shifting monster.

Clearing her throat once more, louder, Emilia bowed, causing the crowd to go silent, and to signify the start of her speech.

Straightening herself, she looked back to YN. Catching her glance as he turned his vision back up from Rem, Emilia quickly looked away again.

She looked kinda nervous...

The last time YN had seen Emilia speak, she had started strong, but had begun to falter once the heckling had begun. This time however—

Emilia: H-Hello, thank you all f-for coming here tonight. To the festival—, a-and to hear me speak!

Holding her hands closely together, she fidgeted with her fingers as her knees slightly buckled inward, and her pointed elf ears began to turn red, along with the rest of her face.

Emilia: I— I—, umm...

With her words failing her, Emilia shut her eyes and tried to regain her composure. Doing so though, this was obvious to the crowd, which had begun a light murmur upon seeing the struggling speaker.

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