Chapter 88: Slothful

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A/N: This was a very hard chapter to write. Most of you who have watched the anime probably know what's coming next.


Chapter 88: Slothful

Lashing out with a series of kicks, punches, and throws of her morningstar, Rem entered combat against the hooded foes.

As she handled upwards of three at a time, two had made an advance towards YN.


Raising his palm, YN did his best to focus his mana in preparation for an attack.

I can control it better now! I can cast it quick enough to defend myself-!

Yet as he went to gather his mana, there was nothing other than a dull pain in his abdomen.

YN: -hk!

Almost as if hardwired to immediately respond to YN, Rem instantly disengaged her foes at the very second he winced in pain.

Rem: Do not touch him!!

My Gate! That's right after all...

Recoiling backwards, one of the two Cultists was suddenly impacted by a large object, sending them flying towards a tree, dead on impact as their body was reduced to a bloody pulp. But only a mere second later was the second cultist also hit, this time by Rem herself. Using both her feet, she impaled the cloaked foe like she herself was a large javelin.

Landing beside the half dead attacker, Rem once more used her feet to dispatch the enemy, stomping down on their head.

Rem: Rem will not allow him to be sullied by your hands!!

Bashing in their head with a final stomp, YN could only look on in horror at the violence radiating from the cheerful maid that held his heart.

It pained him greatly to see her act this way.

YN: Rem...

While only said under his voice, she immediately snapped to his view, her senses heightened in her frenzied state.

As she looked at him, her eyes recognized the look in his own.

That expression...

She had seen it only a few times in her life, but never directly on her own.

YN-kun... please don't make that face at Rem...

Immediately guilt stricken, Rem's mind harkened back to how he had looked at her in the many loops she had killed him. The look she saw now was identical to how it had been in the reflection of her own eyes.

Losing her focus, she dropped the hilt of her weapon from her hand.

Rem: YN-kun... Rem is...-!

YN: Rem look out!

Running towards her, YN embraced her as he twisted himself around her.

YN: Gah-!!

Instinctively catching him, Rem wondered in her mix of rage and melancholy why he had run to hug her, but as she put her own hands around him, that's when she felt it.

Warm. And wet.

As YN collapsed to his knees in her embrace, Rem looked over his shoulder at her hands.

Rem: This is...

Her vision warped, it was as if her mind wouldn't let her see it. But she knew, on her hands was YN's own blood. Stained red, she opened her fingers, and between them she saw the cause.

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