Chapter 92: Ghost Riders In The Sky

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A/N: Hello friends. Here is this week's chapter. I was really glad to hear I was able to write Crusch accurate last chapter, as I wanted to really flush out YN's spot in the current story in regards to some of the characters so many of you also appreciate alongside Rem. This chapter actually features some Arc 3 content that was cut from the anime, namely it again involves Al and his still currently unknown qualm with Rem/Ram, so I decided to include that in this chapter since of course, it's Rem content. Please enjoy!


Chapter 92: Ghost Riders In The Sky

Disembarking the carriage, YN and Rem were left off at a property not far from the main Guard House that was the entrance to the Noble's district.

It was a large brick building, and while not exactly a Manor or a Mansion like they were used to seeing in the Capitol, it wasn't like it seemed as if it didn't belong.

Inspecting it closer, it appeared to be a clubhouse of some kind, sort of like a lodge. There were banners of various coats of arms and what looked like regimental colors being flown, but here and there, there were flags bearing the crowned lion from Crusch's mantle. Clearly, whatever this place was, it had pledged itself to Crusch some time ago.

Letting him gaze in curiosity at the structure before them, Rem finally stepped beside him and looked at it with him.

Rem: This is a hall for retired guardsmen and other veteran knights. Given Crusch-sama's stance on things, many here have been drawn in to support her.

YN: I guess that's to be expected.

As they idled, they eventually noticed the single other carriage outside that was to be the one they were hitching a ride on.

Rem: Rem will go speak to the ones responsible for loading the carriage.

YN: Gotcha, I'll just be right here.

With a wink, Rem left to speak to the handful of retired guards who were tending to the carriage and its dragon, leaving YN to his thoughts.

As he mindlessly looked around, the reality of his situation still felt fresh. He was in another world, and while things were somewhat familiar, he still felt like an outsider here. His entire time had been a massive game of shoots and ladders; high times and low times, ups and downs, good times and bad. But ultimately, he couldn't be more thankful he had been brought here.

Looking over to the source of that thankfulness, she caught his gaze as she was waiting patiently for the guardsmen to acknowledge her. Smiling brightly and happy to see that he was fixated on her, the adorable maid that cared so much for him reminded him of why his entire course of actions had ultimately led to something he'd never regret.

At times it was still hard for him to believe such a kind girl had feelings for him. Had it not been for the consequences of Death though, he would have never had learned to sway her heart.

It's all been worth it, that's for sure.

Finally getting an opportunity to speak though, Rem became preoccupied, and YN was forced to take his eyes off the beautiful blue haired oni that held his heart.

Looking about, YN spied the Manor across the street from him.

With a large wrought iron bar fence, perhaps twice his own height, the building it held past its lawn was surrounded by exotic and flamboyant looking plants and flowers. The trim on the building was equally elaborate. While he hadn't noticed it at first, this residence really seemed to stand out in terms of eccentricity in design choice, as if it was tailor made to be as over the top as possible.

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