Chapter 9: Returning By Death

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YN's eyes bounced across the room, desperately trying to figure out why he was back in guest room. He finally locked eyes with Rem, who was staring at him for his head darting around the room.

YN: I-is this some kind of prank?

Rem tilted her head in confusion, clueless as to what YN was getting after.

YN: R-Rem?

Rem was silent for a moment before having a more serious tone and speaking in a low tone.

Rem: How do you know—

YN: Hey where's Subaru? If this is... He should be—

With YN cutting off Rem, something he would only do in this state of confusion, he leaned back and forth, side to side, to see around Rem.

If this is some sort of prank of putting me back in the guest room, then Subaru would have to be right over there! In the other bed—

After getting a clear picture of Subaru, right where he should be, YN couldn't believe what his eyes were showing him.

Just as before, Ram was over at Subaru's bedside where he was already awake. Except that instead of him being his enthusiastic self, Subaru wore an equally distressed face as YN's.

No, more distressed.

YN was trying to understand what Subaru was looking at.

Why is he staring so hard at his hands? Did they get more cut up or?

YN: Hk!

The bandages covering Subaru's cut and wounded hands were gone. Leaving hands that weren't cut in the least bit. Hands that were yet to be worked.

YN: Subaru... how did you—?

As soon as YN went to turn to get out of bed, Rem blocked his way.

Rem: Guest-sama, please stay where you are, you are not yet aware of your surroundings.

YN: No, Rem, hold on a minute.

Turning to instead get up on the other side of the bed, Rem placed a hand on his shoulder.

Rem: Guest-sama.

YN: Hold on, something isn't right—

After still trying to get up, YN was instead brought back to his original posture.

Unknown as to why he had moved back, it wasn't until he saw Rem looking down at him, suspicion written on her face. YN realized that she had made him lay back down.

Recalling the last few seconds, YN realized that it was Rem that had pushed him back down, utilizing some sort of amazing strength he didn't think she was capable of.

Before either could say anything, both of their attention was taken by the door slamming open and the very last blur of a Subaru running out of the room, arm covering his head, leaving a messy bed.

Rem: Nee-sama?

Ram: He just bolted out after mumbling something about a promise.

Rem: We should chase after him shouldn't we? He will only get himself lost.

Ram: Rem, wait here with our other guest unless he decides to take a self guided tour too, I will inform Emilia-sama and go look for him.

Rem: Yes, Nee-sama.

With Ram closing the door, YN was left with questions unanswered still.

Did Emilia use healing magic on Subaru's hand last night maybe? Then why was he so distressed about it...

As YN stared down at his bed sheets in thought, Rem pulled up a chair and sat at his bedside.

Rem: Guest-sama are you feeling alright? Do you know why your friend ran off in distress? Did Nee-sama or Rem do anything to upset him?

YN: 'Guest-sama'? 'Friend'? You know our names Rem, so does Ram. Why are you—?

Rem: A better question would be why does Guest-sama know our names? Rem is doubtful Emilia-sama told you of us in any great detail.

Rem cut off YN in a stalwart, serious manner.

YN: I'm sorry but... what in the world are you talking about? We've been here for the past five days working—

Rem: I do believe you are mistaken on the order of events. Guest-sama have been asleep since Emilia-sama brought you here from the Capitol.

YN: — — —

How? How how how? That isn't right at all.

YN was absolutely lost. His voice trembling, he pleaded to Rem.

YN: I-is this some sort of joke, or prank, or something about last night?

Rem: Again, Rem believes you are mistaken about things. You should lay back down if you still aren't feeling well.

YN sat up in bed and kept to his own thoughts. Finally after a while he turned away from Rem and continued to think, trying to wrap his head around everything.

Finally after what felt like an eternity, he sat back up, Rem still watching him like a hawk.

YN: I need to talk to Subaru. Something isn't right here.

Rem stood up and looked out the window to the lawn on the back of the mansion.

Rem: Guest-sama is in luck, it appears Emilia-sama has found him.

With this info, YN flopped out of the bed, still in just his robe, much like Subaru, and marched down to confront him.

With how he acted, he has to know just what's going on!

As YN rounded the corner down the stairs, Subaru and Emilia were just making their way inside, cheery as ever.

Walking up to the two, YN grabbed Subaru's robe and pulled him away from Emilia.

Subaru: Woah woah hey what's the idea here?

YN: Strategy meeting. Huddle up.

Unable to fight back, Subaru was tugged along.

Subaru: Wait for me there Emilia-tan! I'll be right back!

Puck: How rude! Just when you and Subaru were having such a nice conversation.

Emilia could only look on as Subaru was more or less dragged against his will away.

Emilia: I'm sure he has a good reason...

Rounding the corner to the hallway, YN opened the door to the storage closet, the very one he had grabbed a vase from, and closed it behind him.

Finally letting Subaru go, YN began his interrogation.

YN: You wanna tell just what in the hell is going on here?

Subaru: What? What do you mean? Emilia brought us both back here after the incident in the Capitol—

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