Chapter 48: Dish Duty

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A/N: A bit of a change in schedule, normally I upload at 1 or 2AM on Fridays but going forward, it appears I may have to start uploading at 1 or 2AM Saturdays from now on due to a change in my own life. But like always, a big thank you to ShuTDown, tobychevy, and Haseo8 for finding my typing errors. Please enjoy the chapters!

Chapter 48: Dish Duty

Returning from assisting the chef, Rem sat down next to her sister who had just returned from collecting Emilia and Beatrice for the meal.

With everyone present, the chef bowed and readied the meal to be plated.

???: For the first course, you will all share the tastes of—

YN: Please excuse the intrusion!

Slamming the door open, YN made his entrance from the foyer to the dining hall.

Bowing as he held the door open, he made eye contact with the rather large man who was set to start the dinner with an appetizer. Being given a rather prominent stink eye, YN looked away, avoiding the pressure he felt. Clearing his throat, he had the attention of everyone in the room.

YN: Our final guest has arrived. Please, right this way, Schwartz Natsumi-sama.

Stepping aside and doing his best to mimic Rem when presenting a guest, YN invited in the unexpected guest.

Stepping into the room, Subaru— Natsumi made their entrance. With a fan in front of their face, they snapped it shut.

Natsumi: Ah, what a wonderful aroma this dinner has.

With Puck's voice coming into play, the purely androgynous voice matched Subaru's lips. Pointing with their fan, Natsumi gestured to the empty chair next to Emilia.

Natsumi: Is that seat free?

Looking around the room, YN garnered the reactions of the fellow residents.

First noticing Ram, he saw an expression she has never once made before. With a mix of shock and disbelief, it truly looked as if she was moved beyond words. An almost ghastly attitude seemed to hover over her though, as if she was unprepared to see the consequences of such an action.

Next was Rem, who had her mouth covered, seemingly entirely enthusiastic about what was occurring, damn the consequences. A stark contrast from her sister.

Beatrice was almost on the same level of flabbergast as Ram was, utterly struck by what she was seeing before her very eyes.

But Emilia, hers was an expression of curiosity. Simple and nothing more.

Ready however, was YN. Ready for the reaction of Roswaal. This would be their make or break moment. If Subaru was right though, it shouldn't be—

Roswaal: Ah Natsumi-sama! How nice of you to joiiiiiin us. Please, take any seat you'd like.

Catching the rotund man's reaction to this, it appeared as if he had no protest with the idea of a new guest. In fact, with every passing second it seemed his forehead became more reflective from his sweat at the prospect of another woman joining in on the dinner.

With Natsumi—, Subaru putting the fan to cover his face once more, he turned his head back just enough for YN to see his smirk, visible only to him. Taking that as his queue to leave, YN bowed once more and closed the door behind him.

Making increasing light steps while standing in place, YN had made extra sure to put all efforts into not making it seem as if he had his ear right next to the door.

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