Chapter 20: Caution: Wet Floor

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Chapter 20: Caution: Wet Floor

Awaking to a new day, YN rose his head up in bed and yawned.

Making his way over to the standing closet, he gathered his work clothes and set out to getting ready for the day.

That bath really put me to sleep early, it's barely light out yet.

By now YN knew where all his work equipment was and what he would be asked to do. It would be easy enough to just say he was "experienced enough to know where things should be kept and what needed to be done" if they were suspicious about how he was able to get started so quickly.

Heading down the hallway as quietly as he could, YN tip toed down the stairs and reached the foyer.

Making his way to the rear entrance of the mansion, YN found his work shoes and put them on. Reaching for the door, he realized it was unlocked.

YN: Don't the twins usually make sure everything is locked up before bed?

Turning the handle and pushing open the door, YN was surprised by who he saw standing on the back patio.

With her blue hair lightly swaying in the gentle morning breeze, her blue nightgown also fluttered just as softly, conforming to her figure, the front half was pulled tight from her morning stretch.

Her back to him, her arms extended wide mid stretch, she let out a big yawn.

Almost dumbfounded to see Rem up so early, YN called out to her.

YN: Rem?

Dropping her arms almost immediately, Rem spun around, surprised by the sudden company she now had.

A small embarrassed blush ran across her face before responding.

Rem: Y-YN-kun!

Almost saying "You don't wake up this early normally." to her, YN caught the words before they left his mouth and asked a more appropriate question.

YN: I uhhh, didn't know you woke up this early.

Wrapping her arms around herself, Rem responded in a still embarrassed state.

Rem: Rem normally doesn't. Although waking up earlier then Nee-sama is needed as she takes a long time to wake up on her own, that's usually not for a few hours from now... Are you one to get up early?

Trying to deflect the topic of the conversation away from her irregular habit, Rem posed a question to YN.

YN: Not like this to be honest. It's just I figured the lawn would need to be trimmed today and I'd rather do it before it gets too warm out.

Scratching his chin, YN answered as honestly as he could.

Realizing Rem had never said what she was also doing up, YN asked.

YN: So you just decided to wake up early too then? Or did you wake up even early and just couldn't get back to sleep?

Folding her fingers together under her chest, Rem looked up and away from YN, her blush continuing to stay, while also shaking her head.

Rem: Not quiet. Rem was just...

Beginning to rock on her feet, heel to toe, heel to toe, Rem delayed her answer.

Rem: Rem was just... excited. Excited to work with YN-kun... And Subaru!

Catching a slip of her own tongue, YN felt the glint of a small blush of his own, as Rem was terrible at hiding such a thing once she said it.

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