Chapter 94: Convinced Of The Truth

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Chapter 94: Convinced Of The Truth

Checking every single room on the ground floor first, and then moving upward to where everyone's bedrooms were, YN was quickly running out of spaces to check.

I'm going to find Beatrice before I find Subaru at this rate.

Taking his time to check every single room, just in case, he wanted to leave no stone unturned in the event Subaru was moving from hiding spot to hiding spot.

I don't know what's going through his mind, so I have to be certain that—

YN: —Gck!

Nearly falling over and only just managing to catch himself on a nearby table, YN knocked over a vase in the process. The same familiar, and never-any-easier-pain of a Consequence of attempting to inform someone else of Return By Death ripped through his body, made worse by how unexpected it was.

As the vase shattered after rolling off the counter, a shrieking yell, uttered at the top of one's lungs, echoed throughout the Mansion.


Wishing he'd had a moment more to recover as his head pounded with pressure and the taste of metal still lingered in his mouth, the yell, blood curdling almost, snapped him to.

That definitely sounded like Subaru.

With a need to find the source of the yell taking a clear priority over his strategy of leaving no stone unturned, YN dashed for the nearest staircase, certain it came from the floor above.

There's only two rooms of note up there!

Roswaal's Study, and—

Emilia's bedroom!

Taking a side staircase up, from the second he reached the top, he could see the double doors leading to Emilia's room were already open. Slowing his pace, YN kept his footsteps as quiet as possible before reaching the door, remaining as cautious as he could.

It would really make matters worse if I stepped right into a trap. Like if Elsa had suddenly showed back up here just to make everything harder. That'd be about our luck...

Approaching the door, YN could hear the sound of muffled wails as he got closer and closer to being able to poke his head around the corner.

That's definitely Subaru still.

And with no other sound of a fight or struggle going on, he felt no hesitation from being able to look in and observe what was going on. Steeling his nerves, YN swallowed his apprehension and looked inside.


Before him was Subaru on his knees, his back facing him. He was holding someone, or something. The boy was visibly shaking and dry heaves of heavy emotion still exited his mouth. But the most stark thing that could be seen—

That's... a lot of blood...

Where he was kneeled was a pool of crimson all around him.

The loop hasn't ended, and Subaru still looks alive, and by that much blood, it can't be his own.

YN was frozen in place. Should he approach or continue to watch? Just what had happened?

As his mouth was dry and his legs remained cemented in place, YN remained silent and still until Subaru readjusted the embrace he had on what he was holding.

Clutching it tighter, it was made clear to YN now.

YN: *Gasp!*

Utterly taken back, he couldn't believe what it was.

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