The Weirdo on Maple Street

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"When alpha particles go through gold foil, they become...." Barb paused for the answer.

Georgia was a ball of anxiety. She couldn't bring herself to focus on Barb's words. Instead, she was tuning them out. It was a great disservice to herself. The only thing on her mind was Will and the search party, her father, was leading in the forest at this very moment.

She should be there.

"Unoccupied space," Nancy answered.

"And what model is that process associated with?" Barb trailed off, awaiting an answer.

"Georgie?" Nancy asked.

Georgia looked up to see both girls looking at her.

"Sorry, what was the question?"

"Alpha particles in unoccupied space...after passing through gold foil...," Barb repeated.

Georgia paused for a moment, racking her mind for the answer. She knew it; she really did. "The Rutherford model."

The two girls nodded.

"A molecule that can...," Barb grew silent as Steve passed by, swiping the flashcards from her hands.

Why couldn't he have done this when Georgia wasn't paying attention?  She needed to know what that question said just in case she didn't know the answer.

She most likely didn't know the answer.

"Hey, pretty girl Georgia," Carol's familiar voice whispered in her ear as she passed, purposefully bumping into her.

Georgia's brows furrowed in disdain. "Don't call me Georgia." They were mocking her when Carol was way worse.

Carol and Tommy shared a look of mutual amusement.

"Huh," Tommy pondered. "So, only Harrington can call you that?" he asked quite loudly.

They all turned to her; Steve and Nancy's eyes bored into her.

"I've literally told Steve not to call me that for nine years," she snapped. "It's not my fault he's never learned." Her relationship with Steve was far different than hers with Tommy and Carol.

Tommy and Carol were only tolerable in small doses, and Georgia was already on edge about Will and the Chem test.

"Georgia and I are best friends! Besides, I'm a unique case," Steve said proudly before glancing at the note cards. "I think you've all studied more than enough." He called last night when she was studying with Barb and sat on the phone for an hour just listening.

Barb rolled her eyes as Nancy stepped forward without trying to take the cards back.

"Steve," Nancy said softly.

"I'm telling you, you know, you got this," Steve assured. "Hmm, now Georgia, on the other hand-"

Steve caught her hand before it connected with his arm and didn't let go for a moment. "So violent," he grinned at the girl. He hit the cards against his hand until they were neatly filed. "Don't worry...Now, on to more important matters. My dad has left town on a conference, and my mom's gone with him 'cause, you know, they're in love and all that. So, are you in?"

Steve's eyes darted between Nancy and Georgia, though Georgia was more focused on the cards in his hand. It's like he wanted her to fail. Georgia only glanced up upon a light shove from Barb.

"In for what?" Nancy asked.

Georgia cringed.

"No parents? Big house?" Carol answered, enunciating her words.

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