The Bite

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She didn't let go of his hand but grabbed Robin's with her left, pulling them after Erica and Dustin's retreating figures until they rounded an empty corridor where a cart was stored.

She was stumbling over her quick-moving feet, and Robin and Steve were doing the same. It was all rather exciting. Her heart was racing from the drug or eager anticipation.

Dustin practically shoved them into the back before pushing Erica to the passenger seat.

"You do not drive anymore!" Dustin screeched.

"Steve, he sounds like you," Georgia chuckled, turning at the sound of Steve's laugh to look at Erica and Dustin.

Their faces looked as if it'd be their last day alive.

"Because your driving scares me," Steve laughed.

"She's never hit anyone-" Robin started.

Georgia frantically nodded, turning her attention to the teenage boy looking lovingly at her.

"You rear-ended a pregnant woman-" Georgia started, grinning.

"Not on purpose!" Steve exclaimed, his hand raised in a 'no, no, no' way. "Don't say it like that. How could I know she was pregnant? She was perfectly okay. Not even a dent or chip to her car! She didn't even get whiplash or anything!"

Robin laughed so hard she snorted.

"And Georgia has hit the trashcans so much there's a chip in the paint job of her car, and she hit the curb so hard she popped her tire!" Steve retorted, his hand pulling Georgia's hair until she looked at him through her half-closed eyes.

She was truly laughing so much she didn't think she was capable of stopping. Her ribs were aching, and her mouth felt strangely wet. "I still haven't hit anyone," Georgia smiled, kissing his neck only to recoil. "Ugh, I can't wait for you to shower!"

Being trapped in a Russian basement and elevator that had no air conditioning really had an effect.

Steve reeled back like she truly offended him, his eyes narrowing at Robin's snorts, looking at her like she betrayed him.

"Are you showering with me-" Steve started.

"Aw, you're showering with him? How...Carol and Tommy of you," Robin teased. Georgia was pretty sure Robin hadn't stopped laughing in over thirty minutes.

"No," Georgia shook her head, her nose crinkling at the comparison. She wanted to take a nice bath with oils and fun soaps and candles and then finish with a nice shower before crawling into her comfortable bed. She really missed her bed. "That is inappropriate, Robin. There are children who can hear," she added scoldingly.

The alarms were blaring as Dustin drove the cart at full speed through the halls, barely slowing down as he turned the corner, not caring how they were thrown into each other or into the wall each time he did it.

He should never get his license.

Georgia was pretty sure she was going to throw up if he took another corner so violently.

"Jeez, slow down, man. You're going to make Georgia throw up," Steve heaved, hitting the barrier separating them. "You know she has motion sickness, dude!"

She must've looked at him oddly because his eyes softened, and even in his current state, he tilted his head to kiss her like he couldn't help it.

"Yeah, what is this, like, the Indy 500?" Robin slurred.

"I thought it was 400," Georgia mumbled, leaning into Steve's chest.

"No, it's the Indy 300," Steve shook his head, his arm wrapping protectively around Georgia, holding her close like she'd slip away.

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