The Monster

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Georgia could not stop shaking. She'd never been so terrified in her life. The image of it played over and over again in her mind. Her body hurt, and she was so cold. Her lips, fingers, and toes were a bluish color. Her complexion was paler than it'd ever been before. She was completely frozen and wanted nothing more than to shower and crawl into her warm bed. She hoped her father was home. He'd scare the nightmares away.

Georgia spent an hour convincing Nancy and Jonathan she was okay enough to drive home after they arrived at the Wheeler's residence. Georgia stayed just long enough to wash some of the residues off her body and change into a clean pair of clothes so her car wouldn't get dirty.

She drove home in silence—her complete focus on the road and her surroundings.

There was no television light emitting from the curtains, which meant her father wasn't home. Tears threatened to fall at the thought of being alone again.

She hated being alone on a normal day. Today it felt like a different level of evil and an even worse punishment.

She quickly undid the locks and entered, locking the doors once again behind her. She moved around the cabin, closing the blinds and curtains. She left almost every non-overhead light on as she showered. The water was so hot it left her skin flushed, but it still didn't remove the dull, cold ache from her bones. 

She stood in front of the bathroom mirror, rubbing her eyes. They were puffy and red from the twenty-minute shower cry that was nowhere near long enough. The only reason why she didn't stay in longer was that she knew Nancy would panic if Georgia didn't answer the phone call, making sure she got home safe.

Georgia was in the kitchen, searching through the empty fridge for something to eat, when a knock on the front door sounded, making her jump.

She was skittish and antsy. Every noise made her jump or flinch.

She quietly made her way to the front door, mace in hand, as she undid the locks one by one.

Georgia slowly opened the door, her eyes widening at the sight of Steve in a pair of grey sweatpants and a Hawkins hoodie, standing with two hands full of grocery bags.

"Steve?" she whispered, looking around. It was just him. "Did Nancy send you?"

Steve looked confused at her question and shook his head. "Nancy's a bit preoccupied right now...You didn't pick up my call, so I got you groceries."

Georgia stepped back, allowing him inside.

"I, um, thank you," she said, locking the door once he fully entered and made his way to the kitchen, setting down the bags. He started unloading them like it was second nature, and he already knew where they went. Sometimes, she forgot they grew up together for so long. Everything seemed so different now.

Georgia didn't know what to say, but she was glad he was here. She didn't want to be alone. The silence was eating her alive.

"So, I was thinking," Steve said, putting some food into the freezer. "The chicken dish, mashed potato, and... Ceaser salad with those croutons you like."

It was times like this Georgia forgot all about King Steve and the fact he had some type of relationship going on with her best friend. He knew her too well. His mere presence was enough to make her forget about the outside world and the terror she had felt a mere hour and a half ago. The thoughtful, caring side of him, reserved for those he truly cared about, was heartwarming. It was almost enough to make her cry again, especially after the long day she had.

"Georgia?" Steve called, pulling her from her thoughts.

"Sorry," she whispered, rubbing her eyes. "That sounds great, Steve."

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