The Battle of Starcourt: Vol. Two

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Georgia awoke with a throbbing headache, a dull ringing in her left ear either from the close range of the gunshot or the pistol-whipping and dried blood across the left side of her temple, coating some of her hair and the floor. Her nose had stopped bleeding, and the blood was crusted. Everything was blurry like she had double vision; when she finally forced her eyes open, her unfocused eyes blinked rapidly until the concerned and far too close faces of Mike and Max came into view. Their mouths were moving; their hands were pulling her faster than her feet could go.

"He took her, Georgia," Max rushed, pulling Georgia down the hall. "He took El!"

The lights were flickering uncontrollably. They ran faster than they ever had, Georgia further in front of them.

Nothing could prepare her for the sight in front of her when they entered through the Gap.

It was straight out of an action sci-fi turned horror movie.

Eleven laid in the center of the food court, scarily still, a resigned and fearful expression on her face visible even from a distance. Her lips were moving. She was talking to him, talking to Billy.

Billy, he loomed over her, presenting her like some sort of an offering to the Mind Flayer. He was listening to her; the dominant black lines were starting to fade.

She was maybe fifteen feet from them when she skidded to a stop; the pounding footsteps of Mike and Max echoed behind her, just barely audible.

It was like everything was happening in slow motion.

Billy turned slowly, his eyes on the Mind Flayer as he stood before it. It snarled and roared, and a tentacle shot out from its mouth, aimed at Eleven. Billy moved faster than she could blink, catching it so it couldn't reach Eleven.

"No!" he shouted. He was yelling at the exertion, his body slightly shaking.

All together, four more arms grew from the center of the Flayer's side, two embedding themselves into Billy's sides. His body went lax, and his hands holding the Flayer back fell. The third and fourth sunk into the center of his back. His feet left the ground.

Blood spilled out in copious amounts, coating his shirt and dripping to the ground with a sense of finality.

Max darted forward, collapsing into Georgia, whose hands shot out, forcing her to stop, holding her in place.

The Flayer brought Billy to his knees, his body completely lax, no longer controlled. The Mind Flyer roared before him, his mouth expanding as Billy screamed his final fuck you, his last display of resistance.

"Billy!" Max screamed, her voice raw with pain. She struggled against Georgia's hold. She refused to let go, to let her run headfirst into danger.

She couldn't lose Max.

The last and final tentacle sunk in the center of Billy's chest, a final blow if she ever saw one. The tentacles fell at once; the Flayer screeched and stumbled before collapsing with a low snarl. Billy's body fell to the floor.

Joyce and Hopper had done it. They shut the gate.

Georgia let Max go, running full speed at Eleven, pulling the shaking girl tightly into her arms.

"Georgie," Eleven half-sobbed, half whimpered, hugging her back like it was the last time they'd see each other.

"You're okay, you're okay," Georgia whispered, her voice cracking and eyes watering.

Max rushed to Billy, kneeling beside him as he choked on his own blood, her head shaking as he coughed.

"Billy, Billy, get up, please," Max sobbed. "Billy, get up, please! Billy, please." She clutched his shoulders, leaning over him until their eyes met.

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