Trick or Treat

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"El, hold still," Georgia said, adjusting the Jason mask so it fits comfortably around Eleven's head.

El wore a shrunken old shirt and jacket of Hoppers and a pair of baggy black jeans. She didn't look like Eleven. It was a real costume instead of just a sheet with cut-out eye holes. There was no reason that anyone would speculate she was a girl superpowers.

"Do you think he will say yes?" Eleven asked, her voice timid.

Georgia didn't want to lie to her, but her dad wasn't known for changing his mind. If anything, pestering made him stick to his original stance even more.

"We won't know unless we try," Georgia said, handing her a foam machete.

Eleven nodded and allowed Georgia to usher her out of the room. Hopper stood in the kitchen, flipping french toast and sliding it onto the plate.

"Oh, Jesus!" Hopper swore, turning around to see Eleven posing with the machete in her hand.

"Jason," Eleven said, wiggling the foam item like she was about to use it.

"Isn't she adorable?" Georgia laughed.

"Adorable is a word for it," he said dryly and unamused.

"Halloween," said Eleven,

"It sure is...but right now, it's breakfast, okay?" Hopper dropped two slices of French toast on each of their plates. "Come on, let's eat."

Eleven looked to Georgia, who ushered the girl forward.

"They wouldn't see me," Eleven said. "And Georgia would be with me...Steve, too."

Hopper sent a sharp look Georgia's way. She'd definitely be getting scolded later.

"Who wouldn't see you?" Hopper asked, and he grabbed the plates, putting them on the table as neither girl moved.

"The bad men," Eleven followed him.

"What are you talking about?" Hopper muttered.

"It's Halloween. She wants to go trick-or-treating," Georgia explained.

"You both know the rules," he said, walking away again.

"Just an hour," Georgia pressed. "Even thirty minutes would be enough."

"We have rules, Georgia. It's bad enough that Steve knows," he said, his voice stern.

"You let her go to Steve's for three-"

"Because we had to contract her room, Georgia, and you know that," Hopper shut her down.

Hopper guided Eleven to the dining chair.

"No, but they wouldn't see me-" Eleven tried.

"No. Hey, I don't care. I don't know why she's enabling you," he directed the second half of his sentence at Georgia.

"Dad, it'd look like I was just babysitting a random kid. They wouldn't see-"

"I don't care, all right?" Hopper said, his voice had a finality that told Georgia he was getting tired of this conversation. "You go out there, Jason or not; it's a risk. We don't take risks. All right? They're stupid, and...."

He clearly wasn't going to change his mind, and if Georgia even tried to take her now while he was at work, he'd know.

Hopper looked between both his girls.

"We're not stupid," they droned.

"Exactly," Hopper paused. "Now you take that off, sit down and eat, the both of you. Your food's getting cold."

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