The Spy

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The sun was setting when they arrived at the waste-filled junkyard, surveying the land of dead, abandoned cars in a half-open, half-enclosed field the town would never do anything with. 

"Oh, yeah. Yeah, this will do," Steve nodded with a proud look on his face.

She looked at the boy to her right as he took off his glasses.

"Steve, you sounded like a dad when you said that," Georgia said, and she started down the hill, dropping meat as she went.

"Just missing the hands on your hips," Dustin added happily, and he followed her down.

They stopped in the middle of the field, dumping the leftovers from the can onto the grass in a small circle. It was in direct eyesight to the bus and phase one of the plan.

"I said medium well!" Lucas's familiar voice called.

Lucas walked toward them, wheeling his bike alongside a ginger-haired girl Georgia didn't recognize. She waved at them, looking out of place.

"Is that her?" Georgia whispered.

Dustin just nodded, his eyes on the girl beside Lucas. She walked with a carefree aura, and her stride told Georgia Lucas must've filled her in on why they were at a junkyard. Dustin's expression told her everything she needed to know. He just stared as they moved closer, a look of dejection gracing his face.

"Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Georgia asked quietly, leaning over so her mouth was near Steve's ear.

Steve nodded and kissed her nose. "He might still have a chance," Steve added offhandedly, but they both knew the chances of that occurring were slim.

The girl clearly trusted Lucas enough not to think he was straight-up lying to her. She was here.

The pair of teens and the girl Georgia now knew to be Max got to work, Steve making a trail of gasoline across the field as the two girls worked on boarding up the bus.

"You're Billy's sister?" Georgia asked, tugging on a wooden plank shoved under the bus.

"Step...step sister," Max clarified. "And you're the babysitter...the sheriff's daughter, and Demogorgon killer?"

Lucas had definitely talked the girl up a little too much—more than a little.

"There were four of us, and Steve did a lot of the 'killing.' I'm still unsure if it died or just disappeared," Georgia said. "But the rest is correct...I don't know if I like that title."

"Georgie, it is then," Max said.

The two worked in quiet unison, making sure the bus was as fortified as it could be.

"So he wasn't lying?" Max asked quietly. "This isn't some elaborate prank?"

She shook her head. "I wish it were," Georgia replied. "Very real, not a joke."

"Even El?"

Lucas really did tell her everything.

"Mike said she was the party's mage," Max added. "That she disappeared."

Lying about Eleven was one of the most difficult things she had to do, especially to the party.

"Yup...I don't know the details of that as much," Georgia lied. "I wasn't there."

Max nodded, understanding. She learned her lesson on pushing that subject.

Georgia looked back at the two boys having a team meeting. Dustin looked upset, his brows creased, and hands moving frantically as Lucas rolled his eyes.

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