The Beginning

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Summer was officially upon them. The days grew longer and far hotter. Steve graduated, and his parents threw a huge graduation party. His parents were thrilled that Steve had finally asked Georgia out after years of pining for the girl but was a tad surprised when a group of five thirteen-year-olds showed up, claiming Steve was their babysitter.

Georgia and Steve hung out almost every day. She worked seasonally at Joyce's store, so if she wasn't balancing her new job at the music store in the mall, and hanging out with the party, then she was bouncing between hanging out with Jonathan, Steve, and Robin.

Georgia and Max grew closer over the summer too. She grew to adore Max, who really opened up to her. She was still working on getting El to open up to the girl, who was irrationally convinced there had been something going on between Max and Mike and even more convinced the girl was trying to take her sister from her.

Georgia didn't know where she got that idea from. She was pretty sure Max would rather die than develop romantic feelings for Mike Wheeler. As for her and Max's relationship, it was certainly of a sibling nature, but that didn't make Eleven any less her sister.

Hopper also never minded Max's presence in the cabin. He seemed to understand that her home life wasn't too good but didn't ask too many questions at Georgia's request.

Steve had been hired at Scoops Ahoy in the mall, which was where they got to know Robin. He worked out a deal with his parents where he'd take a gap year and get his general education courses done at the local college before enrolling in university. He did get into a few schools he applied to, and the closest one was near Chicago.

He knew the second he realized he loved Georgia; a gap year was in his future. As one of Steve's gap year conditions and as a way to continue to live at his parent's home completely free, Steve agreed to start a paid internship once Summer ended.

He'd work at his dad's company for ten dollars an hour, four days a week, which could be changed depending on his school schedule. Steve knew this was a privilege and recognized how lenient his parents were being.

Everything with Steve came so naturally. Conversations were always easy. Georgia could never get tired of him, even when he complained every time she had to leave for work or to babysit.

If soulmates existed, Steve was, without a doubt, hers.

"Steve, you're gonna be late to work," Georgia said, attempting to wake him up.

Steve's arms tightened around her waist, and he buried his face into her chest, pressing little kisses.

"Okay, now I know you're not asleep," she laughed, "and my dad doesn't know you stayed the night."

He groaned and sat up a little bit, only to kiss her forehead.

"Steve, you'll make us both late," Georgia said, and she tugged on his messy hair. He was always so cute when he just woke up and extra touchy like he hadn't been near her for hours and was making up for it.

"Good," Steve grumbled, "then Tyler can't flirt with you as you open the store."

Tyler was the only other coworker she was ever scheduled with at the music shop and a Junior at Hawkins High on the basketball team. Their paths had only crossed a few times at school, and she didn't know much about him other than he was friends with Jason, a total tool.

It was a relatively small store, so it didn't require much upkeep. However, since Hawkins was so small, it was the only store with actual variety in the types of vinyl they carried, which meant they were often ridiculously busy. The pay was six an hour, and she usually worked eight hours a day. It was higher than the state's minimum wage, and sometimes she got a commission, so she couldn't complain.

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