The Snow Ball

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Mature content in this chapter!

With the release of the exposé on the Hawkins laboratory, the true disappearance of Barb was released to the general public. Her parents found peace. People from all over Hawkins and Indiana came to say their respects and final goodbyes. Hawkins was on every news station in Indiana and even national news outlets. Their reputation was demolished, and their threats of secrecy were moot. The lab was deemed to be abandoned, and it was shut down by the town. Everything was seemingly back to normal.

"Are you sure you can't drive me?" Eleven asked. "He's going to threaten Mike like he threatened Steve."

To date a Hopper came with conditions: door stayed open by at least three inches, no sleepovers or PDA where Hopper could see it, and if you brought food over, there had to be enough for everyone. He grew resentful each time Steve dropped by with food for Georgia, a snack for Eleven, and nothing for him. To be fair, it was always a guessing game to whether or not Hopper was home.

"He won't," Georgia hesitated, quietly giggling. There was a good chance he'd do exactly that. "But, no, I can't drive you because he wants to stay near the school to make sure everything's okay...And I have plans with Steve."

"What kind of plans?" Eleven asked, curious.

"Um, I'm not really sure yet," Georgia said, completing the finishing touches to Eleven's makeup. It wasn't the rocker look Eleven had before, but the simple, more natural look seemed to suit her better. "He was being secretive...if I don't come home, Steve locked me in his basement."

Eleven giggled, "He wouldn't do that. And I can always find you."

"Yeah?" Georgia asked.

"Yeah," Eleven nodded.

There was the slightest possibility that Steve locked her in his house. In the past month, the two had fallen into a comfortable routine. Their relationship wasn't really that different than it was a month ago. The friendship was there, just with the romantic aspect and acknowledgment of feelings.

Leaving his house was like she was leaving to travel abroad to never return. A part of Georgia really liked his clinginess and found it cute. That part of her was fully biased since clingy Steve meant elongated cuddling, bribery, and makeout sessions while having the benefit of making her feel needed and wanted. She didn't have to worry about where she stood with him. No second guesses or insecurities. It was also amusing how Steve's negotiations with Hopper and assertions that it was safer to drive refreshed than tired went ignored.

Eleven's curls were free but swept slightly toward the side. She wasn't ready to let go of the gel just yet. She wore a new dress, too. She was not going to go to her first dance and actual outing in one of Georgia's hand-me-downs.

"Come on, time's ticking," Hopper said, standing in front of the door waiting for Eleven.

She was out of her seat the second Georgia stepped away, and the two were gone in the span of a minute.

Georgia had just twenty minutes to get ready before Steve was knocking on the door in the red sweater he knew she loved.

He walked her to the car, opening the door like he always did before eagerly rounding the front and hopping in the car.

"Are you finally going to tell me where we're going?" she asked, smiling as he popped a U-turn and drove down the driveway.

"It's a surprise!" Steve said excitedly, and he pushed her head as she tried to look in the back seat, which seemed to have bags of food and drinks, blankets, and even a pillow.

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