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prologue - selcouth

The young girl looked up from her kneeling position on the Queen's private balconies to her aunt, "My sweet girl, what do you think about them?"

Hyacinth knew exactly who her aunt was referring to, so she turned her head to look at her cousins, who were training in the yard with Ser Criston Cole, "They are very dear to me."

"Yes, I know that. But what do you think about their way of being?"

She shook her head as she watched Aegon hit his brother with his wooden sword when he was already on the ground and only stopped when Ser Criston Cole told him to.

"They are very different from one another," she spoke, "Aemond is calmer and has more patience. Aegon is much more impulsive and restless."

The Queen knew her niece was reluctant to insult her sons, but she still crouched next to the girl and caressed her back, watching her sons as well, "That's true, but they have some things in common, as do all Targaryens. What is that?"

"Targaryens are known to be unpredictable, ambitious and sometimes people say they are mad," she spoke freely, watching Aegon hit the dummy restlessly with his wooden sword, "I believe them."

"Come," Alicent helped the girl to her feet and directed her to her rooms, sitting next to her on the sofa, "I believe it too. And yet I married a Targaryen. Do you know why?" Hyacinth shook her head slowly, "Because every mad man needs a strong woman by his side. Targaryens have ruled for longer than they probably ought to, as we both know. But it's the order of things and we must work to balance it as much as possible," she took her niece's small hand between hers, "Targaryens speak of the blood of the dragon as if it's something to be proud of, but between us, sweet child, it's just an excuse to their madness. I'm sure you understand that?"

"Of course, aunt."

"I knew you would, just like I did when your grandfather explained it to me. We Hightowers are far more different from them. Our words are 'We light the way' and that's exactly what we are doing in this world, because we are thoughtful, disciplined, honourable and patient. Your grandfather has been a most loyal Hand to the King and I have been conscientious and supporting wife to Viserys. Do you know what we have in common?"

Hyacinth looked at her Queen's stable and hands and answered her, "You are both controlling the king."

Alicent chuckled, "Yes, but in a good way. We are merely stopping him from doing anything reckless, just as his ancestors have done in the past. Do you know why I'm telling you this?" Hyacinth shook her head again, "Because I want you to know what's your part in this. You are still young and so are your cousins, but we can already tell just what type of individuals you will become. Helaena will be a good-natured princess, of course. Aemond will be a poised prince and Aegon will be as frivolous and irritable as he is today. And you, sweet child, what do you aspire to become?"

"I hope to be like you, aunt."

"Of course you do, but my position here demanded and still demands of me many sacrifices and while I am content with being the mother of two princes and one princess, I'm not always happy. Most of the days, my position brings me sadness and despair. But I have to remind myself of what the Seven wish for me to do," she sighed, "I hope you are happier than me in the future. I do see myself in you, Hyacinth. When I was your age I already lived here and it was never easy. However, just like you, I did what I was told to do with a smile on my face, because I was grateful for what I had. I need to know what you really want for your future, sweet girl."

Hyacinth frowned, "I want to help the Realm just like you and grandfather do."

"Would you be happy to be in my position?"

"Of course."

She caressed her chubby cheek and smiled, "Then can I trust you with something?"

"Yes, aunt, anything."

"Aegon is turning two-and-ten next month and in no time he will be expected to marry his sister. That's the Targaryen costume and as much as I disagree with it, it's Viserys wish."

"Aemond says it's to keep the bloodline pure."

"Exactly," the Queen nodded her head with a sour expression, "However, I was thinking about doing something else, of course, if you agreed with me. Viserys hasn't spoken about his heir for many years and we don't know what future awaits Aegon. But we do know the Realm expects Aegon to be king, for he is the older male heir. I'm not sure if he will be a good king or even if he will be a good man, but I'm certain that with assistance he will remain under control."

Hyacinth looked attentively at her aunt, predicting what she was going to say, "You want me to help him?"

"That is my wish, but it has to be yours as well."

"By helping him, you mean I'm supposed to marry him?" She asked, looking at her aunt's serious face.

"Yes, sweet girl, that is precisely what I mean. I intend to marry Helaena to Aemond and Aegon to someone who can control him, look after him. Do you think you could do that?"

Hyacinth nodded her head with conviction, "I promise I will help him, aunt."

"I appreciate it, Hyacinth, and if you play your cards right, you might be Queen one day, just like your dear aunt."

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