chapter seven

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If she could help, Hyacinth would never spend a night on dragonback ever again. Despite her comfort in her cousin's arms, she still found it hard to sleep, with the restless way Sunfyre flew high on the night sky and with the cold wind wrestling with her face and hair.  Aegon seemed amused by her discomfort and she wanted to hit him when she was about to fall asleep and he would start singing some nefarious piece.

"How far are we from Winterfell?" Hyacinth brought the fur on her cloak closer to her chin when she felt the bitter breeze hitting her cheeks.

The sun was already rising and when she looked at Aegon he seemed to ready to fall asleep at any moment, "I am not certain, but we must be close enough," he countered, resting his cheek against the side of her head. During the night, Aegon helped Hyacinth changing to her previous position, which seemed to be more comfortable to her as she relaxed her back against his chest.

Previously to that night, Hyacinth could never imagine feeling a need to touch him as much as she could. It never crossed her mind something like that could make her feel comfortable. But as the frostbite weather from the North touched her skin, she felt the need to find warm anywhere he could.

Aegon instructed Sunfyre to fly lower so they could examine the landscapes and houses beneath their feet. The difference between the North and the South was unbelievable, especially for someone who always lived in the South. Their lands seemed to dry and full of rocks, snow covering every surface.

"Imagine living like this all your life," she pondered, her hand tightening around Aegon's fist, "It must be torture to wake up in the morning and having to leave your bed in this weather."

"Maybe that explains why they are such humourless bastards," Aegon chuckled, "Dragons are not made to live in the North, sweet cousin."

"Are you talking about real dragons or Targaryens?"


"Targaryens are men, they are made of the same flesh and are able to live in the same condition as anyone else," she shrugged, "Maybe you wouldn't survive in the North, but not because you are a Targaryen. It's simply because you are used to the privileges of living in the Red Keep, where everything is handed to you and you can go outside as you wish without your fingers falling off."

He laughed, "Look who is speaking. Aren't you looking forward to marry a Stark bastard?"

"I never said I would marry a Stark of Winterfell, I just came here because my father told me to."

"What if you find a suitor? Could you ever live here?"

"I don't know, I have not seen Winterfell yet," she shrugged, "What about you? Do you think you could marry a Stark?"

"Fuck no. I heard the women from the North are wildlings."

Hyacinth shook her head with his words, "I think you will be surprised."

"No, I don't believe so. I'm used to the pretty cunts of the South, anything here will disappoint me."

"Could you try to act proper for once?"

He smirked, "You don't like my filthy mouth, sweet girl?" He mocked his mother's words, "I thought you were used to it by now."

She narrowed her eyes at him, "I am not."

They kept talking until they finally found the ancestral castle that obviously was Winterfell. The castle was protected by two massive walls, with a white moat between them. There were guards everywhere surrounding those walls and as they descended closer to the castle, they could hear the screams of people as they saw the golden dragon.

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