chapter twenty four

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As Hyacinth knelt on the plush carpet before the crackling fireplace in Aegon's chambers, she couldn't help but feel a knot of nervousness tightening in her stomach. The flickering flames cast dancing shadows across the room, illuminating the ornate furnishings with a warm, golden glow. Aegon lounged casually on the carpet in front of her, his posture relaxed and his gaze fixed intently on her as he held a goblet of wine in one hand.

Despite the gentle warmth emanating from the fire, Hyacinth could feel her cheeks growing warm under Aegon's scrutiny. She took a sip of wine, hoping it would calm her nerves, but the drink only seemed to fuel the fluttering sensation in her chest. Her hands trembled slightly as she set the goblet down beside her, her heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and apprehension.

Aegon watched her with a lazy smile, his eyes gleaming with amusement as he leaned back against the cushions. "You seem tense, Hyacinth," he remarked. "Is the wine not to your liking?"

Hyacinth shook her head, her voice barely above a whisper as she struggled to find the right words. "No, it's fine," she replied, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "I'm just... not used to this."

Aegon's smile widened into a smirk, his gaze lingering on her flushed cheeks with  amusement. "Not used to what, exactly?" he pressed, his tone laced with curiosity.

She knew he was perfectly aware of the fact that she was not used to drinking nor to be alone with a man so late at night. He was merely toying with her. Still, that notion did not help calming her down. 

Hyacinth shifted uncomfortably, "You know what I'm saying, Aegon."

"We were in this exact situation in Winterfell, remember? You were drunk for the first time and then we went to your chambers. We had fun, didn't we? Nothing happened."

Part of her was scared, terrified even, by the loss of control she felt in Aegon's presence. But another part, a part she scarcely dared to acknowledge, relished the strange, exhilarating sensation that coursed through her veins whenever he was near.

She was scared, yes, but she was also undeniably drawn to him in a way she couldn't quite explain. It was a dangerous game she was playing, one that could have dire consequences if she wasn't careful. But in that moment, with the fire crackling merrily in the hearth and Aegon's eyes burning with intensity, she couldn't bring herself to walk away.

"Yes, but we did not leave my chambers, so nothing bad would happen. Now you want me to walk around the streets of King's Landing with you alone at night," she pointed out.

"Yes, because it will be good for you," he answered. "You are far too tense, cousin, and that is why you need to finish that cup before we leave. I promise you, I will take care of you. I know those streets like the back of my hand, after all."

Despite her misgivings, Hyacinth found herself reaching out to accept the goblet, her fingers trembling slightly as they brushed against his. She took a hesitant sip of wine, the familiar warmth spreading through her veins as she struggled to find the courage to refuse him.

But try as she might, she couldn't bring herself to defy him, not when his gaze bore into hers with such unwavering intensity. It was as if he could see straight through her defenses, laying bare the turmoil that raged within her heart.

And then... he said just the right words. 

"I'm not doing this for me, you know? I don't need this kind of thrill to help me living. I have experienced everything I ever wanted to, there is nothing else for me in this world that is new or exciting. I remember the first time I risked leaving the Red Keep alone at night. Above all, I remember how scared I was. 

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