chapter twenty seven

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Following the ceremony, the Great Hall of the Red Keep was transformed into a scene of opulent celebration. The long tables were laden with a lavish array of dishes that showcased the wealth and culinary expertise of the kingdom. The air was filled with the mouth-watering aromas of roasted meats, fresh seafood, and the sweetness of pies and pastries. Exotic fruits, brought in from distant lands, added vibrant splashes of color to the feast.

The first course began with delicate appetizers—slivers of smoked eel, marinated olives, and small tarts filled with savory cheese and herbs. The finest wines and ales flowed freely, each sip a testament to the richness of the royal cellars. Musicians played softly in the background, their melodies mingling with the hum of conversation and laughter that filled the hall.

Hyacinth found herself seated between Aegon and her father. The King, pale and frail, sat on the other side of Aegon. Though his presence was subdued, the respect he commanded was palpable, and his illness cast a subtle shadow over the festivities. Aegon, however, seemed unaffected by his father's condition. He raised his goblet frequently, toasting to the health of their guests, the prosperity of their union, and the bright future they were to build together.

"To my beautiful wife," Aegon announced during one such toast, his voice carrying across the hall. He turned to Hyacinth, a mischievous gleam in his eyes, and planted a kiss on her cheek. The warmth of his lips and the cheer of the gathered nobility brought a flush to her face, and she playfully pushed him away, laughing.

The second course arrived, featuring sumptuous roasted boar with apples, glazed duck, and venison pie. The meats were tender and seasoned to perfection, their rich flavors complemented by the accompanying sides of roasted root vegetables, buttery potatoes, and fragrant herb bread. Hyacinth savored each bite, feeling a sense of contentment and joy that surpassed her expectations for a strategic marriage.

Between bites, Hyacinth exchanged smiles and words with her father, whose pride and happiness for her were evident. He too raised his goblet, toasting to her future and the alliance between their houses. Hyacinth felt a surge of gratitude for his unwavering support.

Throughout the feast, Aegon continued to dot on her, his earlier indifference replaced by a genuine warmth that surprised and pleased her. He whispered playful comments in her ear, making her giggle, and kissed her cheek at every opportunity. His affection, though occasionally overzealous, was sincere, and it filled Hyacinth with a sense of hope for their marriage.

As the feast continued, the final course arrived: a dazzling display of pastries and desserts. Towers of honey cakes, fruit tarts, and delicate pastries filled with cream and jam were presented with flair. The hall was filled with the sweet aroma of cinnamon and sugar.

The feast eventually gave way to a line of well-wishers, each bearing gifts for the newlyweds, their table now adorned with an array of splendid offerings—jeweled goblets, woven tapestries, and rare, exotic trinkets. The guests rose from their seats, some starting to dance while others formed a line to present their gifts.

Hyacinth accepted each gift with grace and gratitude, her smile never wavering. Aegon, however, quickly grew bored. After the first few gifts, he began to fidget, playing with the sleeve of Hyacinth's dress and tracing patterns on the tablecloth. He sighed audibly, casting longing glances towards the group of noblemen who were deep in conversation and laughter near the far end of the hall.

Hyacinth maintained her composure, her responses to the gift-givers as warm and polite as ever. Aegon's restlessness became more apparent, and finally, he leaned in to whisper in her ear, "Excuse me for a moment, darling. I need to stretch my legs."

Without waiting for her response, he rose from his seat and made his way to the group of noblemen, quickly joining their boisterous conversation. Hyacinth's smile faltered slightly as she watched him go, a flicker of irritation crossing her face. She turned back to the line of guests, forcing herself to focus on their kind words and the beautiful gifts they offered.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15 ⏰

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