chapter fourteen

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There was nothing like being in her aunt's arms, she believed. As soon as Aemond left, the Queen wasted no time. Before extending an invitation into her private chambers, the Queen, with an instinctive tenderness, drew Hyacinth into a protective embrace."My sweet girl, I was so worried about you."

The words resonated in the dimly lit corridor, carrying a genuine concern that echoed the Queen's maternal instincts. Hyacinth's eyes fluttered shut, and a serene sigh escaped her lips, a testament to the relief coursing through her. The embrace became a silent language, transcending spoken words, as Hyacinth reciprocated the gesture by tightening her hold around her aunt's waist. The queen's arms felt like a shield against the uncertainties that lingered beyond the chamber doors.

In that special moment, held within the safety of the queen's hug, the troubles of the recent events seemed to vanish. The genuine care and concern her aunt showed became a soothing remedy for the whirlwind of emotions stirred by the encounter with Aegon. The unspoken connection between aunt and niece spoke volumes, surpassing the need for words.

Alicent gently pulled back, placing her delicate hands on Hyacinth's cheeks to examine her closely. "My poor thing, you look so tired."

"I'm alright, Aunt."

"Of course you are." The Queen offered a small, fragile smile. "Come on in."

They stepped into the queen's chambers, a place of elegance and regality adorned with rich fabrics and intricate furnishings. Queen Alicent guided Hyacinth to a plush chair, gesturing for her to sit, before sitting in a chair across from her.

"Tell me, my dear," Queen Alicent spoke with a gentle tone, "did he hurt you?"

Hyacinth shook her head slowly, "No, Aunt. He behaved quite well. The Lords from Winterfell were quite pleased with him."

Queen Alicent's eyes held a mixture of relief and scrutiny as she studied her niece. "I'm relieved to hear that, my dear. It is quite late and I do not wish you to burden you any longer with these issues. I just wished to see you, to make sure you are well."

"I am quite well, Aunt. The weather in Winterfell is harsh, of course. But it was a fine journey, I assure you. Aegon surprised me, actually, for he listened to my advises and behaved as a Prince would."

"Is that so?"

"Yes. I do believe he trusts me and is comfortable around me"

"That is promising, my dear," Queen Alicent replied, her eyes reflecting approval. "If Aegon is willing to heed your counsel, it bodes well for our plan. Tomorrow we shall talk about the date of your wedding and I am sure your Grandfather is looking forward to talking to you and Aegon about the negotiations."

Hyacinth nodded her head, suddenly nervous about the mention of her marriage. "Yes, of course."

"When Aegon is king, the Realm will need a presence like you by his side. Someone who is not a Targaryen to think straight like we do. Aegon trusting you is an incomparable advantage, and I truly am looking forward to hearing more about your journey tomorrow. But I am afraid you should rest. I just meant to tell you that, despite the Realm needing you, the one who appreciates your effort the most is me. I must thank you for helping my son, for guiding him and being there for him. Truly, I couldn't imagine a more appropriate wife for him than you."

Hyacinth, touched by her aunt's words, managed a grateful smile. "Thank you, Aunt Alicent. Your words mean a lot to me."

The queen returned a warm gaze, her maternal instincts evident. "You're family, Hyacinth. Your happiness and well-being are of the utmost importance to me. I see the potential for a strong and beneficial union between you and Aegon. You have a calming influence on him, and the Realm will undoubtedly benefit from such harmony."

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