chapter twenty three

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True to his word, Aegon behaved during their meal, much to Hyacinth's surprise. They sat next to each other, their hands intertwined discreetly above the table. Queen Alicent's eyes sparkled with happiness as she observed the scene, a rare smile gracing her lips. Otto, too, seemed pleased, his usually stern countenance softened by a sense of contentment. The Hightowers were back together, united once more as a family—Otto and his two children, Alicent and Gwayne, alongside his grandchildren, Aegon, Aemond, Helaena, and Hyacinth.

Despite the absence of Hyacinth's brother, which would have been a cause for concern on any other occasion, the mood around the table remained buoyant. And as for the King's absence, it was met with relief rather than disappointment. Tonight, without him looming over them, they were free to bask in each other's company without reservation.

As the meal progressed, Otto Hightower, the patriarch of the family, cleared his throat, gaining the attention of everyone seated at the table. His gaze swept over the assembled guests, his expression grave yet tinged with a hint of warmth.

"My dear family," he began. "Tonight, we are gathered here to celebrate more than just Ser Gwayne's visit to King's Landing. We are here to mark the beginning of a new chapter in our family's history—a chapter of unity, of strength, and of love. And so," Otto continued, his voice ringing out with authority. "I propose a toast. A toast to Prince Aegon and Lady Hyacinth, whose engagement symbolizes the union of two great houses and the promise of a brighter future for us all."

With that, Otto raised his goblet high, the rich red wine within it shimmering in the candlelight. Around the table, the other guests followed suit, their goblets clinking together in a chorus of celebration.

"To Aegon and Hyacinth," Otto declared, his voice filled with pride. "May your love be as enduring as the mountains, and may your union bring prosperity and happiness to our family for generations to come."

Aegon and Hyacinth exchanged a glance, their eyes meeting briefly before they each raised their goblets in acknowledgment of the toast. As they sipped from their goblets, the taste of the wine sweet on their tongues, they knew that their journey was only just beginning.

Despite Aegon's usually unusual behaviour, she was still surprised when he, after placing his goblet on the table, kissed her cheek in front of his family. She tried not to act surprised for it was not common for engaged couples to kiss in front of their families before their families, or even when they were alone. Even though it was only a kiss on the cheek, it was still scandalous enough for Hyacinth to send him a warning glare.

Alicent cleared her throat, "Aegon, try not to show too much affection to your cousin before the wedding, alright?" She masked her shock with a laugh.

Hyacinth shifted uncomfortably in her seat, acutely aware of the tension between Aegon and his mother. It was no secret that their relationship was strained at the best of times, and tonight was no exception. She knew that Aegon's propensity for mischief often clashed with his mother's desire for propriety, and that their interactions were often fraught with tension as a result.

"I just can't help myself," he laughed it off.

Hyacinth took another sip of her wine when her father shook his head after seeing what Aegon did.
As soon as the conversation started again, she didn't hesitate on squeezing Aegon's hand to grab his attention, "Stop drinking. You're losing control."

Aemond, who was sitting on the other side of Hyacinth cleared his throat, "I think you will be disappointed if you keep trying to educate him."

She was surprised he was able to hear what she said to Aemond, but still smiled at him, choosing not to say anything.

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