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No one should mess with me because everyone knows that I am Myra THE PRANKSTER but Sam doesn't that he has messed with wrong girl. I am going to make him pay for every second of his life.

Before I could go out to catch the bus. My dear mother held me back.

"Myra we need to talk " ... Mom said sternly.


I am sitting on the chair while mom and dad are sitting opposite of me.

Imagine if they sat on the dinning table instead of chairs. That would be very funny.

" Myra, where are going to work?", Mom.

" There is a garage in Parampura's market. I am going to work there. ", I said.

" A garage ! You seriously want to work in that garage ..." mom exclaimed .

" Mom , its a nice place and owner is very kind. In addition to that, you know how much I love to fix machines ..." I explained.

" So you want to become a mechanic ...?" old man asked while folding newspaper.

" What ?! No, I mean its not bad if someone wants to be a mechanic . But I want to be an engineer . " I claimed .

" Then you have to study a lot. Especially, for getting into good college ....Myra ..." Mom said.

" Mom don't worry about my part-time job . It won't affect my studies ....I promise ... Besides you guys wanted me to work to earn money..." I explained.

" But its a difficult job especially for a teenage girl like you ...", Mom said.

" Come on, Lily , both of us know that she is not a normal girl. I believe that she will be fine ...", Dad.

Well, this is new he is actually supporting me.

" Alright, but make sure your health and studies are not affected ...", Mom.

" Can I leave now?", I asked.

" Yeah, hurry up. You will be late.", Mom.



Now that I am in school; I

going plot my revenge effectively . Muhah ...Ha ...Ha ...


I am waiting for Sam. Finally, he enters the classroom. Now let us have some fun.

" Where is my Maths book? " Sam asked.

I just shrugged . As if I didn't know what happened.

"Mr Simpson is going to kill you", I told him.

" Myra give me my Maths book. I know you took it . " Sam , severely irritated .

" Really , how do you know that I am the one who took it?", I asked.

Mr Simpson entered the classroom.

" Sir , she took my Maths book ..." Sam.

Now everyone is looking towards our desk.

" You are never going to behave yourself, are you? Myra." Mr Simpson .

" I didn't do anything , Sir ...." I said.

" We will see after I check your bag and desk.." Mr Simpson...

He checked my bag and then my desk but he didn't find anything. Then he checked Sam's bag and Maths book was inside his bag ....

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