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" Sam delete this video, right now.", I say.

" No, I don't want to. ", Sam.

" Sam I am serious. Delete it right now. ", I say.

" I am also serious that I am not going to delete anything no matter what. ", Sam.

" Sam you uploaded the video without my permission. Anyone can see it's me who is freaked out because of your stupid prank. ", I say.

" I know everyone can see that. I have uploaded this video for everyone to see. ", Sam.

" Sam cut it out. ", I say.

" You know I am not scared of you at all. ", Sam.

" Sam if you don't let us settle this like mature humans. ", I say.

" I don't want to settle this at all. ", Sam.

"Sam if you don't delete this I am going to report you. ", I warn.

" Still not convincing because it's not that big deal. No one will take your report seriously. ", Sam.

" Sam just tell me what you want and delete the video. ", I say.

" Ok then I will delete it but you will have to buy an internet pack for me with a Netflix subscription of one year. ", Sam.

" You are kidding, right? Forget it I am going to report you. ", I say.

" Ok, do it. ", Sam nonchalantly.

" Fine, I will do as you say. Now delete the video ", I say.

" Great! Do it now then I will delete the video. Because I think someone might have made me Instagram reel on it because of your stupid scream. ", Sam.

Sam, I will forget this day be prepared for my wrath.


Man, I am so tired. But finally, I am home. I have to work on the car model. I just don't want to. Let us do it after doing some Maths problems.

" Miss Myra snacks are ready. ", Miss Maria.

" Miss Maria I thought I would not see you anymore. Nice to meet you. ", I say.

" Oh, I had to attend my nephew's wedding. It was an important occasion. ",  Miss Maria.

Oh someone messaged me. I wonder who is it. Sam? Why is he messaging me? Oo the internet pack. I can't believe he is threatening me with an internet pack.

' Myra I changed my mind. You don't have to buy an internet pack for me or get me a Netflix subscription. Ok bye. ', Sam texted.

What the hell! I think he has a bipolar disorder.  I want to kill him right now.



Summer passed, days changed, and before I knew autumn arrived and it was the end of term.

" I can't believe this we are going to give the final exam of the 11th class.",  Lily.

" Yeah ...As they say time and tide wait for none. ", Lucas.

I am currently sitting with all my friends in the school cafeteria. Oh my God, I just called them my friends Why did I say such a cheesy thing? I guess time has affected me a little too much.

" Can you believe it? We are soon going to be seniors and then we will be in college. ", Claire.

" Yeah, it is exciting and terrifying because we don't know what the future holds for us. "  Claire.

" Not to mention Serena is also leaving ", Lily.

" Which is not so bad. ", Lucas.

" Shut up. Don't think if I am not here you can do whatever you want to do with Lily. ", Serena.

" Don't worry Serena. He is going to get rejected even when you are not here. ", Claire.

" That reminds me. Lucas, I am willing to hang out with you this Saturday. ", Lily to Lucas.

" Really? You are not kidding, right? ", Lucas.

" No, because Serena had already planned to go out with me so you can tag along. ", Lily.

" My hopes crashed in a second. ", Lucas mumbled.

Oh yeah, maybe I am going to miss these dramas. Maybe I will laugh at these memories when I am old sitting on a rocking chair reading printed newspapers like my father.


End terms have started and our first paper is English like we all expected they always do that. I wonder why they do that. I think exam coordinators are affected by these hectic exams going around.

" Miss Myra best of luck. ", Miss Maria with a smile.

" Thank you. ", I say as I leave the house.

I am going to school by bus. I don't know why but I wanted to try going by bus. I guess sometimes I can be very weird. Here is the bus. Not many people are on the bus today it is less crowded. Maybe it's because I woke up a little early today. Oh, there is a seat by the window. Let us sit. Oh, I didn't learn much about palindromes. Let us see what they are. Man, the internet is not working.

" They said that the internet will be shut down for 24 hours. ", Sam. He is sitting beside me in the bus seat.

What the hell ?! What is he doing here? Ok, this is unexpected.

" What are you searching? ", he says.

" I forgot to study Palindromes. ", I say.

" It's okay I will tell you. It is not that difficult. ", Sam.

" Alright, tell me. ", I reply.

" They are words, phrases, and sequences which are read the same backward and forwards no matter what. Like: madam, noon, nun, etc", he says.

" Ok, thanks that was easy. ", I say with delight.

" That is okay no problem. ", Sam.

Weird this guy is unpredictable.


I am at school. Let us check where my exam center is. It's in class 10-A. Ok, I hope there are no annoying people there.

" Ok, girl go inside that room for checking. ", a teacher pointed towards a room.

" Alright, I will go there. ", I say.

Ok, now some weird lady is checking my body. She is also checking my ears.

" Ok, you don't have anything suspicious. You can go. ", she says.

" Oh and keep your smartphone here in these cabins. We will return it after you are done. ", she says.

" Alright, I say while handing over my phone and keep it switched off or on silent mode. ", she says.

I do what she says. Wow, they have increased the strictness. It is like we are prisoners entering in jail.

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