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 I read somewhere, teenagers want immediate gratification for their desires. If it is true then how come I don't have any desires? Yeah, I have a passion for machines but that's it. I don't feel like doing anything these days. I am so bummed out. But I am happy and contented. I think that is what matters in the end.

My phone is ringing. Who is calling me? I just got home from school. It is Rubina. She kind of forced me  to save her number. She is very similar to Claire...She is calling again. I am picking it up.

" Hello...", I say.

" Hey, Myra. You know I don't understand Maths that much but when you taught me I understood everything so I was thinking maybe we can study together in the public  library...", She says.

I wonder if I should ask it or not. Forget it, I am asking it.

"Rubina if you don't understand Maths then why did you opt for it? ", I say.

" I don't like  Maths. I like Chemistry but you know you have to opt for Maths and Physics with it. It sucks...Our education system is very bad. ", Rubina.

Well, she is right our education system sucks.

" We can study together... but I can't do this every day. ", I say.

" It is fine. We can do it occasionally. ", she says.

I guess it is fine. I have never studied together with anyone besides Serena. I wonder what she is up to. I will call her after I come back. I don't need to change.  Should I carry something with me?

Yeah, I need to carry that membership card and a pencil. I will keep my membership card in my pocket. I wonder if my pencil can fit in the pocket or not. It does...

 Man, we should install an elevator in our house. Wait a minute, Dad already installed an elevator last time. I always forget things about my own house. Forget it, I am going to use the stairs...

" Myra, where are you going?", Miss Maria.

" I am going to study at the public library. ", I say.

" Great you should do that. I am glad that you are finally going out. You are always holed up in your room. Enjoy...", she says.

" Ok, bye...", I say and leave the house.

I don't think I need a car to get there. Google map says that it is a twenty-minute walk from my house. Alright, let us go.


I am finally here. I don't even remember when I studied  here last time. I wonder where Rubina is? Should I call her?

" Myra, I am here. ", Rubina while waving her one hand.

I walk towards and we enter the library. We find suitable books via computer and start to study. It feels great to study here.

Rubina is pointing towards something with her pencil. Oh she, wants me to make to do this problem. Alright, it is a different problem. A little complex...Probably because of the special factor that one has to add to do it. There I did it. I show it to her but she is frowning. She is unable to understand a certain part. She is circling something. How is she unable to understand this? It is simple differentiation. I write: ' It is a differentiation. The derivative of e^x is e^x. She makes a face. Wait don't tell me... She didn't know this. Man, this sucks. I flip pages in my book and ask her to learn basic things. She is so dull that I think Lucas is far more intelligent. She makes Lucas look like a genius.


Finally, I am away from that nightmare.  Rubina doesn't even know about basic linear equations She is so dumb that I don't want to see her ever again.

   I always forget to bring my gloves. Now my hands are very cold. I don't feel anything. It is like they are frozen as we as numb. I didn't know there was a public park around here. I guess it won't hurt to look around . Someone is sleeping on the bench. Wait a minute, I know this person. It's Sam. What is he doing here? Don't tell me he ran away from the house. I feel bad for him. Should I talk to him? He looks sad. I think I should call Lily. Yeah, she is better than me. I never know how to console people around me.

" Hello, Lily.", I say.

" Yeah, wait it is you, Myra. What happened? Is Sun rising from the west today? Why are  calling me? Though it is good, it is kind of unexpected...", Lily rambles.

Man, she is a chatterbox like Anne Frank. Oh, wait, why do I remember that? I hate literature. Damn you Sam.

" I called you because I  saw Sam sleeping on the park bench. I thought I should inform you. ", I say.

" Really? That is weird. Sleep can't sleep anywhere other than his own house. I think Aunty and Uncle are fighting again. Myra, can you try to approach him? I think he is very upset right now.",  she says.

" I will try but I can't guarantee anything. I am very bad at consoling people...", I explain.

" I know, M. But I think Sam will be consoled even by your presence.", Lily.

" What do you mean by that?", I ask.

" Nothing...Just try to talk to him..",

She says and hangs up.

What was that?

Okay, here I go...

" Sam...Sam, get up. You will catch a cold.", I say but he isn't reacting.

I think I should whisper in his ear...

" Sam, get up.", I say right beside his ear and he wakes up.

" What the...? Myra, what are you doing here?", Sam says, he is startled because of me and stands up.

" I was just passing by and saw you sleeping here, in this cold weather. ",  I explain.

" Great... Now you are here to disrupt my peaceful time.", Sam as he sits back on the bench.

" Whatever, I am leaving...", I say.

I am very annoyed because of him.

But he lightly grasps the hem of my sweater and says," Don't go...", he says and looks at me like a child.

I swear I want to kill him. Relax Myra, he needs help.

" Fine...", I say and sit beside him on the bench.

 For a while,  we don't say anything to each other. We are just sitting peacefully. Man, my nose is cold because of the cold wind. I hate winters. But then again nobody likes harsh winter.

" I like winter...", Sam.

This guy strives to prove me wrong.

" I don't...", I say.

" I do...Because it forces living beings to seek warmth. It makes people suffer. They are forced to work together to survive. ", he says.

I was right...Writers are sadistic psychopaths.

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