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Finally tomorrow we are going to hold anti-bullying  programme . Finally , everything will be over by tomorrow .
Someone is calling me .Oh , its Serena . Why is she calling me ?

" Hello , Myra ..I am sorry that I still had to stay at Myra's  . ", Serena  .

" No , I am the one who is sorry . I didn't realise that you were sick . " , I say .

" No , its fine . Anyway , I have called to see whether you have checked our school's group or not . ", Serena .

" School's group ? ", I ask.

" Yeah school's whyapp group . ", Serena .

" Our school has a whyapp group ? ", I ask .

" Yeah ....You didn't know ? ", Serena .

" No , I swear I didn't know . ", I say .

" Then I will send you link . Join the group and check-out the details of programme properly . ", Serena .

" Fine . ", I say.

" And if possible . Check -out other groups related to our school . ", Serena .

" Yeah , I will . Thanks . ", I say and hang up .

I don't believe this . Why don't I know anything ? Its like I am a caveman who doesn't know anything .

Spring is leaving for allowing summer to arrive . Sun is getting  hotter day by day . Temperature is rising . They said that yesterday night was the hottest  temperature of the month of July . Sometimes I have to turn on fan for cooling off .

Its already 12 '0 ' clock and I can't sleep . I think I should study a bit . Ok , let us solve some physics problems .   Man , I can't concentrate . Its like things keep popping inside my head .
Things about that girl Nora . Its very difficult to forget how she killed herself . They say that she poisoned herself . I wonder if her existence is still out there . If she is happy after killing herself like that ? Was it really worth it ? Damn , stop thinking Myra . Concentrate on the rain problem .  From rain I remember that I always used to eat   keeras during rains . Its Miss Maria's special dish which she named herself . Its made of carrot , rose water ...No , I have to study focus . Ok so a train is falling at the speed of ...I have never travelled via train . I always wanted to . Though they say its not very comfortable . No ... Problem . Solve the problem Myra . Why do I remember all the absurd things while studying .

Man , my eyes are hurting . Oh no ! I fell asleep . I was studying ,  right ? Its already morning . There is no way that I can study now. Let us go for a walk . But before that I want to sleep on the bed for a while.Let us check out time .

Its already 6 'O' clock . Let us sleep for a while .


" Myra get up . You are going to be late for school. ", Mom .

I suddenly got up .

" What time is it ? ", I ask .

" 8 'O ' clock . Its already eight in the morning . Get up . ", mom

" Fine I will but please stop shouting for once ." , I pleaded .

" Go and take a shower . ",  mom.

" I want to skip today . ", I say .

" Myra ! Get up . ", mom.

" Huh , mom why do you look so different today ? ", I ask her .

" What do you mean ? ", she asks .

" Your face looks more beautiful than before , your eyes are more beautiful . Mom , you look like an angel . ", I praise her .

" Stop with this silly flattery . ", mom with smiling face .

" How can you that mom . I am very  offended  . Its true . You are my Layla and I am your Majnu . No words are can ever be enough to praise your beauty . ", I say dramatically .

" Enough Myra . Get up . ", mom.

" But seriously your cheeks look more puffed and red .You look like you have gained some weight . ", I ask .

" Do I ? Do I look fat ? ", mom with worried  face .

" No , my dear Layla you look as pretty as before . I swear I haven't seen any such beautiful being ever on earth . You are the most pretty woman on this planet . ", I ramble.

" What is wrong with you Myra ? Now I can't even scold you . Get up . ", she says and leaves the room .

She looks cute when she is frustrated . Anyway , today  I will be hosting the Anti-bullying programme as a vice - president of the club . I am so nervous . Not that much but I still am .

Since Serena couldn't drive me to school today . I was forced to ride the bus and now I am 5 minutes late .  Damn , teacher has already entered the class . 

" May I come in , sir ?" , I say .

" Yeah , please do and don't disturb the class . ", teacher .

Let us see where is my notebook . There it is inside my desk . I thought I had kept it in the bag . Any way, today's topic is aromatic compounds . Alright , I need Amara 's copy to see what the teacher has taught so far . I will take a look at her notebook .Okay , definition  , examples ...

" Sir , Myra is disturbing me . ", Amara while raining her hand .

" What is wrong Myra ? You are not a kid anymore . First you were late and now you are disturbing my class . Get up and tell me about aromatic compounds . "

" Aromatic compounds are conjugated planar compounds with delocalized electron clouds which keep moving in  their ring like benzene , benzoic acid and toluene . They are also called as arenes.", I answer .

" What type of bonds they have in their rings ? ", teacher .

" Pi - electrons . ", I answer .

" Alright sit down and don't disturb others . ", teacher .

Alright now Amara has irritated more than I can tolerate and she will pay for it . But first I have to focus on the programme . I remember that Serena saying that it will start after lunch break . All classes after half-time will be suspended because of it .


I have to go to the auditorium . I can clearly see that many students are trying to find a way to escape . I can't blame . I haven't attended any programme in auditorium before . So it is an irony that I am hosting the programme in auditorium .

Finally I am in the auditorium .I hope nothing goes wrong .

" Have you checked lights ? ", Serena asking some boy .

She looks pale . I don't think she has properly recovered . I hope she doesn't faint during the programme .

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