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All this time I thought the weirdo boy I had met this year can't get any weirder . But now I realise that it was just my wishful thinking because not only is he weird but also an idiot . He thinks that he will show me way to the toilet ...

" No, call Serena . She will help me out . " , I nervously said .

" Really because I know where to go . There is no need to call Serena . ", He said while frowning for no apparent reason .

" Just call her . ", I said and he began to call her . Even he had a mobile phone and he is two years younger than me .

My bladders are going to burst . This is the worst kind of torture that I have ever faced .
" She is not picking up. ", he said .

" Oh no , I forgot her phone is in the car . Call Claire . Or just forget it . I will go by myself .", I started to hurry but it was difficult with crutches and I also didn't know where to go .

" Just get on my back . I will give you piggy back ride .", Sam .

" No ! You are crazy dude . You should check yourself --" , I was about to more things but rambling was put on hold because of the bladder outburst in my abdomen . I felt like I was going to die if I didn't relieve myself and before realising anything I jumped on Sam's back while he carried me towards the bathroom .

" Can't you speed up ? " , I said .
" No , I can't . You are already heavy . ", he said .

Oh my God , he is so weak . Now I am scared that he will let me fall on the ground any minute . I should think about something else . And I was definitely right because Sam and me were falling on the ground together because of my reflex I fell I closed my eyes but fortunately someone held Sam . It was Serena .

" What are you guys ...? ", Serena as I interrupted her .

" Later ! I have to pee . ", I rambled little too loudly .

Then Sam and Serena looked at each other and nodded in agreement as they held me from both sides like a large world cup trophy . My one arm and leg was held by Serena while my other one leg and arm was held by Sam . Before I could say anything they hurried towards the bathroom .It was getting difficult for me to hold on to my crutches and ignore the embarrassment as all people around were staring at us like we were some kind of jokers .

Kill me right now or rather burry me in the ground .

Finally we arrived . When Sam amd Serena released me I positioned my crutches and dashed towards the public toilets . I am saved .

I am out of washroom But I realise that both Sam and Serena were waiting for me outside the restroom .

" I should go and rest in the car . ", I said .

" Ok , I will come with you . ", Serena .

" No need you can go back . I will go with her . ", Sam .

" But I am her body guard . ", Serena .

" Serena you are doing it again . You are again attaching yourself too much with someone . Stop it . ", Sam with serious expression.

" You are right . I am like a loyal dog who likes to attach himself with one person at a time . ", Serena as she leaves .

As Sam and me are walking side by side towards the car, I notice people around playing with snow , walking freely . I will be able to do that some day , right ? Even though I never did it before . I wanted to do it now when I can't even walk properly . Desperation can increase your desire for something that you didn't even notice before . I was right humans are strange creatures and so am I .
We arrived at the parking lot where Claire's car was parked and sat inside the car . Sam sat beside me . There was little space between us .

" Can I ask you something ? ", I inquired .
" What ? " , Sam .

" Why did you choose to use my personality as an inspiration to write down your character ? ", I asked .

" Because you are similar to me and also different than me . ", Sam .

" I am not similar to you . ", I said .

" Yes , you are . ", Sam .

" No ... ", I said .

" Yes , I even know what you think sometimes when you don't say anything . " , Sam .

" Then tell me what I am thinking , right now ? ", I asked .

" That I am a weirdo ... ", he said while raising his one brow .

" It is just a coincidence .", I said .

" Think whatever you want but I know you better than everyone else . ", Sam .

" Yeah sure because you have seen me grow up with your own eyes . No , no you have brought me up . ", I mocked .

Sam ignored me and focused on his phone .Alright I should also focus on my phone .Oh no , Serena 's phone is ringing . Who is calling her ? Its her aunt .What should I say ? Should I pick up the phone . But I don't want to .

That 's it I am picking up the phone .

" Hello ..." ,I said .

" Hello , Serena . I called to see how you are doing ? ", the woman .

" I am fine ...Thank you . " , I answered .

" Well , where is my daughter ? I called her but she is not picking up my phone . ", she asked .

" Your daughter ? "

I am very confused right now because if I say her that I am not Serena then it will be very awkward . Wait a minute , maybe she is talking about Lily .

" My daughter , Lily ..."

See I was right .

" She is not around . ", I answered .

" Oo , I forgot that you are living somewhere else right now . I am glad actually . I think its time for you two to give each other some space . I am sure everything will be alright at some point of time . ", she rambled .

" Yeah . ", I said .

" Bye , take care of yourself .", she said and hung up.

Sam was staring at me like I was some kind of lunatic . He can think whatever he want .

" You know what you just did is wrong in many different ways . You invaded someone's privacy , lied to someone and behaved like a lunatic . ", Sam .

" Why are you so much talkative these days ? Don't you have a novel to finish or things to write ? ", I said .

He didn't say anything but his ears were red . Probably because of embarrassment . But what he said was right . What should I say to Serena ? Whatever , I will deal with it later on .

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