3.A JOB( Edited)

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Today is Sunday, which means it is a holiday! So I don't have to wake up; I can sleep all day long.

" Myra, Myra... ", Mom.

" What happened, Mom? Just let me sleep. It's not like I have to go to school today."

" Just get up. Early to bed and to rise; makes you healthy, wealthy, and wise. ", Mom.

" Then why isn't dad wise? He always gets up early in the morning. ", I ask.

" Myra! "Mom.

" Alright, alright...Don't shout...It is painful for my ears. ", I said.

I can't believe this. What kind of life kind of torture is this? I am not even allowed to sleep properly. If only I could hibernate but then again I can only hibernate in Summer. What am I saying? Hibernation occurs in Winter, not in Summer.

I have to shower; or I can skip today but then my body will be itchy and my hair will be oily.



" Hello, dear .." , Dad.

" Who are you ? Where is my mother's husband? You must be an imposter. ", I said.

" See, I tried, Lily...But she loves to irritate me. " , Dad told Mom.

" Myra ...I have decided.", Mom.

" Wait a minute, before you decide anything ...I want my pocket money. I have to buy something for my project. ", I said.

" Too bad . You are not getting any money from me this time. You are old enough to earn your own money. " , Dad.

" Mom.. ", I look at Mom with puppy eyes.

Great, now my mother is behaving like she can't hear me anymore.

" Alright, just give me my breakfast. " , I said with a sigh.

" Of course, dear ", Mom.

" Okay, now you can hear me. ", I said.


Money is everything in this material world. I have to get a job if I want to continue my experiments. If only I could find a suitable job. I don't want to work in a restaurant or diner....So, what should I do?

Oh, it's a workshop for automobiles. Now I know what I want to do .

" Hello... ", I shout loudly while entering the old workshop. It is very old and rusty. I can see damaged cars, bikes and cycles; waiting to be repaired. I can smell oil and grease. By the way, I love the smell of machines.

Not to mention, smell of petroleum is really intoxicating. Okay, don't judge me. I already said that I am weird.

Wait, someone is here. Well, then why doesn't he appear in front of me? As if this old rusty place isn't spooky enough.

I should speak loudly , " Hello ? Is anyone here ? Anyone ? No ? ..."

" Who the hell are you ... ?" someone in a husky tone.

A man appeared in front of me . He is a middle aged, probably in his fifties. He has grease smeared over his face and clothes. Man, he looks very filthy.

" Hey , I am talking to you. Little girl... Do you need to repair something or --?", he is about to ask something.

"No , I am looking for a job... " I interrupted him.

" Too bad, I can't help you at all ..." he said.

" But ..." I said.

" No buts...Get out , little girl ..." he said lazily.

Man, this old man is so stubborn . I have to do something.

" Listen, sir. I have my way with machines. I know how to repair them. I ...." I rambled

" Look...I have always worked alone. And I don't want anyone else to work for me .Ok..." Old man ." Besides I don't earn that much. So, get out ..."

He left...Seriously, he left. Just like that but I am not going to give up. Let us look somewhere else.


My God, I am tired . And I haven't found any job. Man, it sucks . No wonder, they say that unemployment rate in our country is constantly rising and I can't go to any other market place because that will be very faraway from home and school.

I really wanted to do that first job. I can't give up like that, I will be mechanic. Of course, not for lifetime but for now. I have to do something.

You know what, I have decided. I am going to get that job by hook or by crook. Luckily, I still remember where it was . Here ...



" Excuse me , sir ..." I said loudly.

I am wondering where he went this time ? There is a small room attached to the garage, I am guessing he is there.

" Why are you here again ? " a husky voice all of a sudden.

My God ! That startled me. Where did he come from ? He is like a ghost or watchman of a haunted palace. He literally appeared out of nowhere.

" What do you want now ? " , old man.

" Look, sir ...You know what they say in economics ...They say more people means more output. I can also promote this place. I have lot of connections to do that... And guess what? I am a healthy and strong teenager ..."

Wait, where did he go ? Was I blabbering on my own? I swear he was here before I closed my eyes because of some fly hovering on my nose . There he is, under the car.

" Sir ? I am talking to you . Sir ? " I said.

" Darling, who is this girl ? " a petite woman in her forties, her peach coloured sundress accentuates her thin body while her bright smile makes her look energetic and cheerful unlike the grumpy old man.

" Did you bring my lunch ? " the man.

" Yeah I did ...And guess what I made today. " , the woman playfully.

" Whatever it is since you made it I will have to eat it ", the man.

" Aww ....Aren't you sweet? My boy...", the woman.

Ok, I should suck up to this woman. I think she can get me this job.

" Ermmm..Hello, I am a highschool girl who wants to work here ..." I said awkwardly .

" Really, its great, now you will have time for your family ...", the woman.

"No, I can't afford a part - timer ...", the man.

" But I will work for free until your profit increase by 5 percent ...", I said randomly.

" Ooo....really, and how exactly are they going to increase it? ....And what about your school? " the man.

" Trust me, I know how to do it. I will work here from 2 :00 p. m. - 9:00 p.m. It will not affect my studies. I won't take that much salary either..." I rambled.


" But ..." the man.

" Oh come on honey ...Give her a chance... " ,the woman .

" Okay ..." The man.

Thank God! He listened to his wife. Well, good for me .

" Thank you, sir " , I said brightly ...

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