Loser Buys Beers?

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I'm not okay right now. I'm just not.

So Payback was pretty up and down for a while and then . . . the main event happened. I swear, it literally sent the WWE fandom into free fall.

Let's run down the results, yeah?

The kickoff show started off with an impromptu match of R-Truth and Stardust. Nice little bit, but it didn't do much to get the crowd going. R-Truth won and the cameras showed Stardust looking very frustrated with himself. Does this mean Cody is coming back? Maybe....

The next kickoff match was the Mega Powers 2.0 vs the Ascension. It was short and not that sweet as the Ascension welcomed Axelmania and "Macho Mandow" to the wasteland.

The first match of the night was Sheamus taking on Dolph Ziggler. Dolph got a little payback of his own by shoving his bare white ass into Sheamus's face, which was glorious. However, Sheamus picked up the win and Dolph got 10 stitches on his face. Ouch.

In a very entertaining match, the New Day took on Tyson Kidd and Cesaro. The first fall went to Kidd and Cesaro, but the second and the third went to the New Day. However, that third fall? Yea, Kofi didn't get it.

At one point, Xavier Woods jumped up on the ring and started screaming "Freebird Rules!". Which, ya know, is when the third member of the tag team can get in the ring. The ref, and the world's sexiest cat lady, Natalya, wasn't having it.

Nattie yanked the PhD candidate off the top rope and bitch slapped him, which was hilarious.

However, during a moment of chaos, Xavier Woods decided it was "Morphin' Time!" and slid in the ring to pin Cesaro.

They then celebrated backstage... with milk. This was before Byron Saxton delivered the bad news that their titles would be defended in the second Elimination Chamber. How's that gonna work?

Bray Wyatt beat Ryback. Okay then. Now what?

John Cena took on Rusev in a match he's never lost. Of course he won. I guess Rusev was screaming he quit in Russian or something but sweet, sweet Lana decided enough was enough (especially after Cena AA'd him through the pyro set, making it go off) and told the ref that he quit. I guess that would work because it's not like anyone could actually understand what the hell Rusev was saying anyways.

We are then treated to a backstage segment where Rusev is basically telling her off. Sad Lana makes me sad.

In a very decent, yet short match, the family of Naomi and Tamina took on the family of the Bellas. Earlier in the night, Eden asked Brie about Daniel and the poor girl almost started bawling when talking about her husband, which gave me feels too. However, Brie's mind may not have been on the match because Naomi and Tamina picked up the win. Hopefully, Naomi gets another title shot soon and actually fucking wins.

In a pretty unsatisfying match, the "Man that Gravity Forgot" took on the new King and... won, I guess. I guess King Barrett had had enough of the match and walked off, causing Neville to win by countout. However, he had a plan in place. King Barrett then rushed back into the ring to deliver a beatdown to Neville. Neville wasn't having it because he delivered his own beatdown, ending in a beautiful Red Arrow. Now that's how you get Payback.

And then... the main event happened. I'm still not okay over this, really. It was the best match of the night and should definitely be included in this year's Slammy Awards for Match of the Year and Holy Shit Moment (that's not a real category, but still). It was chaotic and fast-paced and just awesome from bell to bell. The Spanish announce table got broken (yay!).

The best part, though?

Oh, yea. You know the one. It only lasted for a minute, but it happened and that... that gave us all the feels. Dean, Seth and Roman picked Randy up and Triple Powerbombed him into the announce table. The audience flipped out. I actually screamed at my computer and was actually shaking a bit when it happened.

Just for a moment, Seth forgot he had stabbed these two men in the back and looked so fucking happy to be there. He slung his arms around their shoulders and was grinning from ear to ear. He then threw out his fist and.... nope. Dean and Roman weren't having his shit.

They beat the shit out of Seth, powerbombed him and Kane through the Spanish announce table and then stood there for a moment.

It was down to them. They were brothers. They knew only one of them could win.

"Loser buys beers?"

Ugh, just go ahead and fuck me up, will ya?

They went into the ring and delivered. No heel turns. Just brothers fighting, knowing they would get over this as soon as the bell rung.

But, naturally, that didn't happen. You knew it was gonna end up this way. Kane got involved, Orton got an RKO in and . . . Rollins used the Pedigree. D'oh! Guys, give him his Curb Stomp back. Please? He looks lost without it.

After the match was over, Rollins basically crawled up the ramp to be greeted by "Daddy" Triple H.

All in all, that was a really good match. I can't wait to see how tomorrow is gonna play out, but I'm not gonna be ready for it. They're probably gonna show the clip that imploded the fandom again and we're all gonna get feels again.

What'd y'all think? Go ahead and comment!

Remember, on Wednesday, NXT is on! And it's a live special, so you know this is gonna be a hella good time.

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