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Yes, I know I'm late - I was going to write this when I got done watching it Monday morning, but I'm distracted really easily lol xD

Okay, so Summerslam pretty much went according to what all the dirt sheets said. 

Kickoff Match: 

Cesaro vs. RVD

Winner: RVD

Okay, why? Why did RVD need to win this match? He didn't have anything to prove. I hope Creative can get back some of Cesaro's momentum soon because he's way too talented to be misused like this (then again, a lot of Superstars and Divas were too talented to be misused, but that's the Creative team and Vince McMahon for ya).

Intercontinental Championship Match

Miz vs. Dolph Ziggler

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

Yay! Ziggy won! I'm so happy! He deserved this so much and I hope he goes on to have a lengthy title run! :D

Divas Championship Match

AJ Lee vs. Paige

Winner: Paige

Well, Paige certainly had a good birthday, although parts of the match were . . . holy crap, where did that come from? From AJ ripping out Paige's hair and then Paige ripping out her own hair to Paige crawling on top of AJ like whoa! Also AJ biting Paige's hand and the top rope dive from AJ was pretty cool. So Paige won the match. That was pretty cool for her :)

Flag Match

Jack Swagger vs. Rusev

Winner: Rusev

Uh, hello? Guys, that wasn't even a flag match at all. The rules of a flag match clearly state that the country's flags will be posted on either side of the ring and the first person to get their country's flag and wave it will win the match. There were flags out there and there was a match. Durr WWE logic. Anyway, Rusev won. I loved the part where he was like "Holy shit, my ankle!" and Lana was like "Fuck your ankle! Crush!"

Lumberjack Match 

Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose

Winner: Seth Rollins

I'm not sure whether or not to be happy about this. I mean, I'm happy that Seth won, but I'm kinda mad that Dean lost. Also, holy shit, that lumberjack match was awesome! I mean, they could've had more lumberjacks and lol Damien Sandow xD Also, what the hell was Bo Dallas doing being a lumberjack? He wasn't a victim of the Shield (or he might have been back in NXT). And oh, here come the feels. Right before Dean Curb Stomped Seth (yes, he did Curb Stomp him), he pulled him up by the hair and told him "I love you" and kissed him on the forehead. It's okay - I didn't really need my heart anyway. 

Kane got his dumb ass involved (dude, pick one - you're either a wrestler or an authority figure - can't be both, dumbass.) and that's how Rollins won. Well, that and the fact that the lumberjacks went beserk in the ring.

Bray Wyatt vs. Chris Jericho

Winner: Bray Wyatt

Well, hey, what do ya know? Bray won a match - by himself! It was a decent match.

Stephanie McMahon vs. Brie Bella 

Winner: Stephanie McMahon

Holy crap, did Stephanie look good for having not been in the ring for 11 years. Holy shit. Her outfit was on point and she really needs to leave her natural curls in - I'm biased lol (I have curls and I'm just now learning to accept them). Brie was actually pretty decent in the ring, as well. And then all hell broke loose. Triple H comes out to the ring followed by Nikki Bella and everyone knows what happened next. Brie had the match won but Trips decided to pull the ref out and Brie dropkicked him. Nikki gets in the ring and while people were expecting some "Twin Magic", that wasn't the case. Instead, Nikki decked her sister, allowing Stephanie to win the match. So the dirt sheets were right about that one.

Randy Orton vs. Roman Reigns

Winner: Roman Reigns

This is the match that everyone that was part of the IWC had to pick apart. Some were saying that Randy carried the match. Others were saying that Roman did just fine in the match. Some others were saying "Waahhh he's Cena 2.0! Stop shoving him down our throats! Waaahhh!" If you don't read the comments on sites like Cageside Seats, Bleacher Report, or anything dealing with wrestling, the IWC loves to argue, whine and complain. They wanted Daniel Bryan to get a push. He got one. They complained. He's out now. They complain. John Cena. Not even gonna go into that one at all. CM Punk. Same thing. The new guys like Rollins, Reigns, Ambrose, Bray Wyatt, Cesaro. The point is, wrestling fans aren't satisfied. It was a good match, regardless of who carried who and radda radda radda (if you watched "Chowder", you'll get what I mean by radda radda radda).

WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match

John Cena vs. Brock Lesnar

Winner: Brock Lesnar

Okay, everyone saw this coming from a mile away. However, no one expected 16 MOTHERFUCKING GERMAN SUPLEXES!! I mean, really. That wasn't even a match. That was a slaughter and the IWC practically exploded with joy over this. But they complained because Brock is a part-timer. I'll give them that one.

So, overall, Summerslam was pretty fucking awesome. 

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