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I'm not even gonna talk about that atrocious excuse for a Raw last night. I'm really not. You wanna know why?

There wasn't even time for a fucking decent Divas match! It was 22 seconds, bell to bell. It was ridiculous. Instead of a 15 minute video package for someone we all love, we could've had a match. But no. Vincent fucking McMahon and Kevin fucking Dunn think that Divas are just there for bathroom breaks and eye candy. 

Do you know what a slap in the face that is to the women that bust their asses for this stupid company?! I'm not throwing shade at the NXT women, because we all know how awesome their matches are. Don't believe me? Just watch NXT. They have exactly one hour and yet, they can put on a match that will tear the house down and the crowd at Full Sail loves it. 

But the women on the main roster? It's like they don't even exist! I know there's Total Divas but that seems to be all these talented women are good for. Hell, Brie Bella herself said that if she was in NXT, she would never go to the main roster. I know what you guys are gonna say - "The only reason the Bellas are over is because of Cena/Bryan/Total Divas!" And to some people, that might be it. But they work just as hard as, say, Sasha Banks or Charlotte. 

Triple H himself said it. It's hard to fill a 3-hour show. Apparently, filling a three-hour show consists of recaps, video packages and long-winded promos. That time could be used to further Diva storylines, to give them actual matches that last longer than 30 seconds. He wants the Divas to get more time, as we all do. But you know what's in the way? His stupid father-in-law. 

So, here's my thing. I know you guys love the Divas - we all do. So here's what I want you to do. If you have Twitter, go on it and tweet #GiveDivasAChance (which is still trending, and you know how much WWE loves their social media) as many times as you can. Tweet it to WWE. Tweet to Vince McMahon as many times as possible. Tweet to Triple H. Tweet this to the Divas (hell, some of them have even taken up the cause, such as Jillian, Beth Phoenix, the Bellas and Cameron! Even Mick Foley!) Keep this trending until WWE is forced to listen to us.  

Some people are now commenting on Twitter (Corey Graves) and that is now setting people off. From what I saw, it was basically him saying that the NXT women were better. We know, Corey. Sasha Banks and Charlotte have retweeted his tweets and it's pissing people off. This is taking a step backwards, guys! The #GiveDivasAChance was for the ones that don't get the chance. 

We did it with the "Yes!" Movement. Now let's do it for the Divas! 

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