Chapter 2

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Third P.O.V.

Valentina was currently exploring the school and quietly talking to Vera. She soon finds the music room. The classes have ended of the day so everyone was currently in the quad.

She sees a piano in the room. And stares at it happily.

"You're going to play aren't you?" Vera asks.

"Yes, because I still remember my lessons with that horrid piano teacher." Valentina said and did a shiver.

She sits down and thought for a while.

"Don't just stare, play something." Vera tells her.

"I'm trying to figure out what to play." Valentina said.

Vera grumbled.

What she didn't realize was that two people heard her playing. Once they heard the piano they stood near the door watching her play. They were amazed of how well she played.

"You got eyes on you." Vera told Valentina.

She quickly turns to see two people staring at her amazed.

"Uh, hi." Valentina says.

"That was amazing." The girl says.

"Thanks, it's just something I used to do when I was younger." Valentina says.

"Well that was fantastic." The guy says.

"Thank you, once again." Valentina says.

"Ask them what there names are." Vera tells her host.

"May I ask who you two are?" Valentina asks.

"I'm Xavier Thorpe and this is my girlfriend, Bianca Barclay." The guy now known as, Xavier says. "What's yours?"

"Valentina. Valentina Brock." Valentina says.

"That's a pretty name." Bianca spoke up.

"Thanks, my dad was the one to come up with it. Since it's my sixth great grandmother's name." Valentina says.

The two close the door behind them as they walked in.

"Mind if we join you?" Bianca asks.

"Sure." Valentina said before she turns back around to whisper to Vera. "Are they going to do something?"

"You're good they don't have any bad intentions." Vera told her as Valentina turned around.

"So, we should get to know each other." Xavier suggests.

"I'd like that. I want to have at least someone to talk to." Valentina says with a smile.

"Besides me..." Vera said.

Valentina ignored Vera before facing the couple.

"So who wants to go first?" Valentina asks.

"I can." Xavier says.

Valentina turned her attention to him.

"I'm an only child. I have visions and I paint what I see. My father is too busy to interact with his son and I think that's pretty much it." Xavier says.

"That's cool you paint what you see." Valentina says.

"I'm also an only child. I'm a siren and I don't use my powers mostly. My mother is off with her normie husband in some cult. So nothing really interesting about me." Bianca says.

"I'm sorry." Valentina says putting a hand on Bianca's hand.

"Thanks. What about you?" Bianca asks.

"I'm also an only child. I like to go running through the forest, painting, people watching, making and writing music and pottery. Myself and my dad have a wonderful relationship and that's pretty much it." Valentina says.

"Wonderful we're all only children." Xavier says.

"So what does your dad do?" Bianca asks. "Like work wise?"

"Well he's a journalist. But was fired from the one back home so he's trying to find one near here. Because he's currently living in town." Valentina said.

"Wait your dad lives in town. But wouldn't that make him a normie?" Xavier asks.

"Not necessarily. We are outcasts like you guys but we don't show what we are much because of what people might think." Valentina answered.

"Can we see whatever it is? We promise we won't tell." Bianca asks.

"If you do this then you must make them swear never to tell anyone." Vera tells her.

"Alright if I show you. You must swear never to tell anyone." Valentina told them and they nodded.

"We promise." Xavier says before the three stand up.

"Vera, take over." Valentina says before she's soon engulfed by Vera who takes over Valentina's body.

The two teens stare at Vera in shock and confusion.

"Valentina?" Bianca asks.

"I am Vera. We are Vera." Vera says.

"Can Valentina come back, please?" Bianca asks.

Vera lets Valentina take control and Valentina is back to normal except for Vera being half her face.

"How?" Xavier asks.

"Vera is apart My father's other side. Meaning Vera is the daughter of my father's side who's name is Venom." Valentina says.

The two nodded not knowing what to say.

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