Chapter 4

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Third P.OV.

Valentina was having a good time with her father. They had gone into the forest to allow Vera and Venom to spend time together. It was soon time for Valentina to go spend time with her friends.

So with letting Vera and Venom say goodbye, the two let the father daughter duo back in control of their bodies.

The two walk into town arm in arm. Eddie was smiling as Valentina was describing her friends.

"It sounds to me you are in love with them." Eddie said as they got close to the Weathervane.


Bianca and everyone else were sitting in a booth laughing and talking when Yoko looked up.

"Is that Valentina?" Yoko asks causing them to turn.

They see Valentina arm in arm with an older male.

"That is." Xavier said.

"Who is that?" Divina asks.

"That's her father." Bianca said.

"He doesn't look so old. He's hot for whatever age he is." Yoko said as Divina nudged her.

That's when Valentina and her father walked in.

"Oh they're here." Valentina told her father.

"Great." Eddie said as his daughter dragged him over to her friends.

"You guys this is my father, Eddie Brock. Father these are my friends, Bianca Barclay, Xavier Thorpe, Yoko Tanaka, Ajax Petropolus and twins, Kent and Divina." Valentina said with a smile.

"Valentina has told me good things about each of you." Eddie says.

"All good things, I hope?" Bianca asks.

"Very good things." Eddie said as he checked the time. "I have to get to work. It was wonderful seeing you baby girl."

"You too dad." Valentina said.

Eddie kissed the top of her head before walking out of the shop.

"He seems normal like you." Yoko said as Valentina sat down in the seat next to Bianca.

"We may look normal on the outside, we are not normal on the inside." Valentina said with a smirk.

"There's a double meaning to those words aren't there?" Divina asks.

"Maybe or maybe not." Valentina said with a smirk.

The ones who didn't know what she was all groan. A boy walks over and Xavier glared at him. Bianca takes his hand to calm him a little.

"Can I get you anything?" The boy asks Valentina.

"Just a water." Valentina answered.

"He has a monster inside him that's begging to come out." Vera told her.

The boy nods and quickly scurries away.

"Who's that?" Valentina asks.

"Tyler Galpin. Son of the sheriff Donovan Galpin. A normie. Who's a fucking backstabber and a cunt." Xavier said.

Tyler walks back over with her water. That's when he trips causing the water to spill all over Valentina.

Valentina gasped in shock. As Bianca, Yoko and Divina all got up took Valentina out of the coffee shop as the boys stayed behind.

"I'm going to kill him." Bianca seethed.

They get in the bus as Vera decided to make an appearance scaring the shit out of Yoko and Divina.

"Valentina says no killing." Vera spoke.

"What the fuck is that!?" Yoko exclaims.

"Hello, I'm Vera and I live inside of Valentina." Vera said with a smile.

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