Chapter 9

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Valentina was sitting in the backseat of Weems van as Wednesday was in the passenger seat.

Valentina's outfit

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Valentina's outfit

"Where do you want me to drop you off?" Weems asks.

"The coffee shop. My dad suggested we meet there." Valentina answered.

"Alright." Weems said.

Soon they arrive in town and Weems stops in front of the coffee shop. Valentina gets out and walks around to Weems window.

"When do you want me to pick you up?" Weems asks.

"When is her therapy session over?" Weems asks.

"An eternity." Wednesday's voice is heard but the two ignored her.

"An hour and thirty minutes. But since it's the first session, forty five minutes." Weems told her.

"Got it." Valentina said as she walks into the coffee shop.

She goes over to a booth since her father was a little late. Tyler Galpin noticed her and walks over.

"Do you want a coffee? Latte?" Tyler asks the beautiful girl he's been trying to pursue since she came to Jericho.

"No, I already had something. But thank you." Valentina said, with a smile.

Soon her father walks in and sees Tyler standing next to his daughter.

"Is there a problem?" Eddie asks.

"Nope. No problem." Tyler said and he walked away.

"You ready?" Eddie asks.

"Yup." Valentina said as the two leave the coffee shop.

They get in Eddie's car not realizing that Wednesday was watching them.

Eddie drives the two to a town several miles away. He parks the car in a parking lot that is halfway busy.

"Remember when you are done, grab your clothes from the back and change as quickly as you can." Eddie told his daughter.

"Got it dad." Valentina said.

Valentina runs the opposite direction. She goes to a alleyway and makes sure no one is around.

"Vera it's your time to come out." Valentina said.

"Awesome!" Vera said as she took control.

A man who smelled like a criminal soon came walking down the street. So that would be Vera's food.

When he got close to the alleyway, Vera quickly grabs him. She puts her large hand on his mouth to not make him scream.

"Don't scream." Vera said before she slowly takes her hand away.

"What are you!?" The man exclaims.

"I am Vera. And you are my next meal." Vera said before she eats him whole.

Vera then shrinks and Valentina is back in control. She looks down to see blood on her shirt.

"I'm so lucky I took my bag with me." Valentina said.

She quickly changes before rushing back to her father's car.

She quickly changes before rushing back to her father's car

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New outfit

She didn't have to wait long before her father shows up, already in his new pair of clothes.

"So how was hunting?" Valentina asks.

"Good. You?" Valentina asks.

"Good, Venom got several rapists. What about Vera?" Eddie asks.

"Child molester. Vera, only eats one human which fills her up quickly." Valentina answered.

Eddie nods as he drove back to Jericho. It was an hour drive which would leave her fifteen minutes of free time before she has to go back to Nevermore.

Eventually they make it back to Jericho. Eddie parks his car and the two walk into the coffee shop and see Wednesday sitting at a booth with Tyler talking to her.

"Hello, Wednesday." Valentina said as she walked by with her father.

"Hello, Valentina." Wednesday greets, before she noticed the outfit the girl was wearing. "You weren't wearing that earlier. Where was your morning outfit?"

"Uh they got dirty when my father and I went playing paintball." Valentina said.

"Valentina." Eddie calls for his daughter.

"I'll see you when Weems picks us up." Valentina said and went over to her father.

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