Chapter 3

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Hi, everyone. So sorry for not updating. The reason was because my phone cord broke and I wasn't able to charge it(my phone). But thankfully a friend of mine had an extra cord so now I'm back to officially update!! Please don't think I abandoned my stories.


Third P.O.V.

It was now the weekend. The students were used to seeing the new girl with the power couple of the school. Their friends have a bet going on, about how fast it will take for them to admit their feelings and then get together.

The students are able to go into town. Currently Valentina was getting ready. She did her outfit before doing a difficult hairstyle that Mrs. Chen showed her.

Valentina's outfit & hair

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Valentina's outfit & hair

She was so glad she got a dorm room for just herself

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She was so glad she got a dorm room for just herself. She makes sure that everything is okay before walking out towards the quad where Xavier and Bianca were waiting for her.

They had several people with her. She smiled shyly as Bianca noticed her. She leaves the two sirens that were with her and walked over to the girl.

"I have a few people I'd like you to meet." Bianca said as they got closer to the group.

"Are you sure?" Valentina asks.

"I'm sure." Bianca said as they stopped in front of the group. "This is Kent and Divina. That's Yoko and Enid, over there. And this is Ajax. You guys this is Valentina Brock."

"It's nice to meet you. I have heard good things about you guys." Valentina said with a smile.

"As have we." Divina said with a smirk.

Bianca nudged her before she could say another word. It was soon time for them to go get on the bus.

Bianca and Valentina sat next to each other as the rest sat in front of them either in singles or duos. Valentina was currently texting her father since they are going to spend half the day together.

"Who are you texting?" Xavier who is sitting in front of his girlfriend and best friend asks.

"My dad. Me and him are spending together for half the day and then I'll spend the other half with you guys." Valentina told them with a smile.

"Do you think we could meet him?" Bianca asks.

"Sure but that also means you'd have to meet Vera's father. Who also might threaten you." Valentina told them.

"Wait so your father-" Xavier starts but is cut off by Valentina's nod.

"Oh." Bianca said as they soon the buildings of town came into their sights.

The bus soon parks as Valentina continued texting her father.

They get off the bus as Valentina looked around.

"Meet us at the Weathervane at noon." Bianca told Valentina.

"Of course. See you guys later." Valentina said with a nod before she parts from her new friends.

She soon sees her father standing in the center of town.

Eddie soon spots her and Valentina runs over quickly and hugged her father.

"I've missed you papa!!" Valentina said happily.

"I've missed you too, my darling." Eddie said with a smile.

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