Chapter 13

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Third P.O.V.

It was the day of the Poe Cup. Valentina was standing with Yoko as they watched Weems explain the rules. Valentina smiles at Bianca and Xavier who both smile back.

She was standing with Yoko who had to drop out after a garlic incident. She was still not feeling good but she was able to walk around.

"Why does Sinclair suggest wearing cat outfits?" Valentina asks.

"No clue." Yoko answered. "I guess since she has a crush on Ajax, she hopes he would notice her."

"But it's never worked because he's high off his ass and is very oblivious." Valentina said.

"Yeah I guess you can say that as well." Yoko said with a smile.

Soon the race was in full swing and everyone was ready to see who wins.

"I'm hungry..." Vera spoke up.

Valentina groans and Yoko looks at her.

"What's wrong?" Yoko asks.

Valentina gives her a look that their friend group had to make up when Vera talks to her.

The system they came up with so they could figure out what Vera said.

If Valentina make her eyes go to the left twice that means she's bored.

Her eyes go right Vera wants to make an appearance.

Her eyes move in a circle she's hungry.

"When Bianca and Xavier come back tell them I went back to my dorm to change and went on meet my father." Valentina said before looking at Weems who gave her a nod.

Valentina rushes to the forest and running straight to town and to her father's apartment. She knocks on his door and it soon opens to reveal her father.

"Vera is hungry and she's asking multiple times a day since the day I called you." Valentina said.

Eddie nods.

"Come in." Eddie said and she follows her father into the apartment.

They sit on the couch and Valentina curls up.

"If she's hungry allow her to take control and allow her to feed on whoever." Eddie replies.

"Dad, are you sure that would be wise?" Valentina asks.

"No, but you should allow her at least a bit of freedom." Eddie responded.

Venom shows up as well. Vera does the same.

"Make sure that you clean up your mess afterwards." Venom said.

"Yes, I know father." Vera said, already knowing who she was going for.

While Valentina sleeps, Vera takes over and started looking up information of where her two victims lives.

"Alright." Valentina said before she hugs her father and walks out of the apartment.

She goes to the forest and stands there for a few seconds.

"Vera take control." Valentina said.

Vera takes control and she heads straight to New York. Taking the shadows and soo arrives Albany rich neighborhood. It was dark so she was able to move around easily.

She appears in front of the house of her two victims. The two were friends and she checked to make sure they both were in the same place.

She felt Valentina try to take control but Vera was stronger currently. Vera sneaks into the house and goes to the room where the boys currently were.

Their backs were facing the doorway so they didn't see Vera walk in. She quietly close the door and locked.

"Hello boys!" Vera said causing them to turn and were about to scream but Vera held her hand against their mouths. "No one can hear you. I'm Vera and you hurt my best friend..."

"W-who's your f-friend?" The first boyfriend asks.

"Valentina Brock. And I'm here for revenge." Vera said with the biggest smile on her face.

She then attacks them. She ate every organ in their body leaving their actual bodies for someone to find.

She smirks before leaving the room and heading back to Jericho. The entire way she had the biggest smile on her face.

She stops in Eddie's apartment and let's Valentina take full control. Valentina gasps as her father appeared.

"What happened?" Eddie asks.

"Vera show yourself now!" Valentina exclaims angrily.

Vera didn't show.

"What happened?" Eddie asks again.

"She killed them!" Valentina said hysterically.

"She killed who?" Eddie asks alarmed.

"She killed Zephyr and Carter!" Valentina exclaims.

"You mean- You mean the Zephyr and Carter?" Eddie asks.

"Yes! She ate all their organs leaving their bodies. I tried to take control but she fought me off. Dad, what am I supposed to!?" Valentina asks alarmed.

"Well calm down first. Was she caught?" Eddie asks.

"Not that I know of." Valentina answered.

"I was not." Vera spoke showing herself.

"Oh now you show up." Valentina said angrily.

"I did you a favor." Vera said.

"Did you clean your mess?" Venom asks.

"No she didn't." Valentina replied. "If the cops come knocking at your door asking for me I had nothing to do with this."

Valentina walks back to Nevermore thinking about everything Vera did.

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