Chapter 11

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Third P.O.V.

Valentina woke the next day to Bianca barging into the dorm. Xavier was still fast asleep. Valentina got changed into her uniform and the two sat on the teens bed.

"I sorta told Xavier about what happened to me a few years back." Valentina told Bianca.

"How'd he take it?" Bianca asks.

"He was understanding and didn't pry." Valentina answered.

"When I barged into this room I thought that he'd wake because how loud I get." Bianca said as the two look to their sleeping boyfriend.

"He can sleep through anything. I got up several times because of the you know what." Valentina answered.

"Yeah, but you could have texted me and I would be here in a few minutes to comfort you." Bianca said.

"I know, but I wanted to let you have your sleep." Valentina said.

They heard a groan and turn to see Xavier waking up. He looks up to not only see Valentina but Bianca as well.

"Morning." Xavier's deep morning voice said.

"Morning how was your sleep?" Valentina asks.

"It was okay." Xavier said.

"I got your uniform from your dorm as well as your manly products." Bianca said handing him the small bag she brought with her.

"How did you-" Xavier starts.

"I had Kent get them." Bianca answered.

"You didn't threaten the poor boy did you?" Valentina asks.

"No! I would never. Plus it would ruin my reputation for the Poe Cup." Bianca answered.

"I forgot that was today." Xavier said as he walked into the bathroom to get ready for the day.

"Are you going to join this year?" Bianca asks.

"No." Valentina answered.

Bianca sighs sadly. Ever since Valentina had joined Nevermore she has refused to join the Poe Cup.

Bianca has never asked why she didn't want to join because she respected her girlfriend's boundaries.

Xavier walks out forty minutes later dressed and ready for the day.

"She said no to entering the Poe Cup, didn't she?" Xavier asks.

"Yup." Bianca sighs.

"Are you ever gonna tell them why you won't join?" Vera asks.

"Nope." Valentina answered as the other two just talked.

The three walk out of the dorm and went separate ways because the only class they together is Ms. Thornhill's class.

Valentina's first class had Kent and Divina. She sits at her seat which was the middle chair with two empty seats on both sides of her.

It was one of those desks that had three chairs. She sat in between Kent and Divina and they were always partners for that specific class.

The teacher was currently setting up for today's lesson. Valentina was the only student in the room at the moment.

The teachers of Nevermore have noticed how she refuses to socialize with others in the morning so they just let her sit in the classrooms until it's time for classes to start.

Valentina was writing she didn't realize that someone had sat beside her.

"The Addams girl is beside you." Vera said.

"If you are going to try to talk to me. You are wasting your time." Valentina said in a bored tone. "And you are sitting in my friends, Kent and Divina's seats."

"Don't try that tone with me." Wednesday said. "I'm merely trying to get to know you."

"She's lying." Vera said.

"You aren't trying to get to know me. You are here trying to figure out what I am. Well newsflash sweetheart I'm not telling you because it's none of your business." Valentina said with a fake smile. "So now shoo."

Wednesday internally groaned before she goes to her seat in the corner. Soon Kent and Divina join her and she told them that Wednesday was just talking to her.

"Alright everyone settle down." The teacher said.

Everyone got their things ready and paid attention to the teacher.

"So today I've decided it's time for another partner project." The teacher starts causing everyone to whisper excitedly.

Kent, Divina and Valentina all smile at each other happy to work together. But that's not what the teacher has in mind.

"But this time it's different." The teacher starts.

That ended the whispers.

"I've decided I pick your partners for this assignment." The teacher said, causing the class to groan.

He starts calling out names. But Valentina noticed something about how he's doing the partners.

"That crazy motherfucker is putting us with people we don't work well." Valentina whispered to the twins next to her.

"You're right." Divina whispered back.

"Valentina and Wednesday." The teacher called out.

"Me and who now!?" Valentina exclaimed.

"You are smart, Ms. Brock, and the reason for this partnering is because I think you would work well together. And I think she can learn a thing or two from you." The teacher said as Valentina sunk in her chair.


Hello everyone, I'd like to start off by saying sorry for such a short chapter.

There are few things I'd like to tell you.

1.) I'm so sorry for not updating.

2.) The reason behind why I wasn't updating; my grandpa was admitted to the hospital not expected to live. I haven't seen seven years because of his sisters. But now he's in ful recovery and expected to get much better.

3.) He was in said hospital for a out an entire month so I was trying to help my mom get through with the hard time because she was close to him.

4.) Hopefully I will be able to update tomorrow but I will try even though it's my birthday tomorrow (July 5th).

Update soon! PROMISE!!

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