Chapter 14

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Third P.O.V.

Valentina told Weems that she had a fever and asked her to have the teacher send the work to her dorm. Weems agreed and that's where Valentina been for the past few days.

She hasn't talked to anyone. Vera refused to show herself because she was quite satisfied with herself, but Valentina was not happy.

That's when there was a knock on her door. She doesn't move and don't make an effort to move.

"Valentina! Open this door!" Bianca's voice is heard from the other side.

Vera stretches her arm but Valentina hit her with her hand.

"You are in timeout Vera go back into my body and stay there." Valentina hissed.

That's when her door is burst down and she looks up to see Bianca, Yoko and Divina.

"My door!!" Valentina exclaims. "You broke down my door!!"

"There was a good reason for it." Bianca said as she walks closer to her girlfriend. "Now explain why you haven't been to class and why you haven't left this room in the past few days."

"There's no reason, B." Valentina answered.

"Liar." Vera spoke.

"Vera you have no room to speak. Plus you are grounded." Valentina said. "Anyways what were we talking about?"

"Why haven't you left this room for the past few days." Yoko answered.

"Ah that." Valentina said.

"Vera, please come out and explain." Bianca said.

"She's grounded so she can't come out currently." Valentina answered.

"Why?" Divina asks.

Valentina sighs and looks at the hallway.

"Everyone is in class." Yoko said.

"You might want to sit." Valentina responds.

The three sit and Valentina looks at the three.

"I went to my dad the day of the Poe Cup because Vera complained she was hungry." Valentina starts.

"I remember you told me." Yoko spoke up.

"Yeah, I ran to my dad's my apartment to tell him. He told me to allow Vera to feed. I went into the forest and let Vera take control. Bad idea by the way. She runs all the way to fucking New York!" Valentina exclaims.

"Why New York?" Divina asks.

"Oh she takes control of our body when I'm asleep and she searched up information. She's apparently been doing this since for months. She knows exactly when her visits were going to be alone, she knew everything about them." Valentina said.

"Who were the victims?" Bianca asks.

"My ex-boyfriends." Valentina answered. "I tried gaining control but she fought me. Vera has never done that before. If she can keep herself in control I never know if I'd fight her and win. So she's currently grounded."

"I bet she's not happy." Divina said.

"She's not and she's telling me every second of every hour." Valentina answered.

"Let me out!!" Vera exclaims.

"No!" Valentina exclaims, before calmly looking at the two. "She's acting like a toddler and wants out."

"She acts like a toddler doesn't she?" Yoko asks.

"Yes. And it's annoying the shit out of me." Valentina answered.

The four girls talked for the rest of the day before they heard footsteps. They look up to see Ms. Thornhill who looked at the door in shocked.

"That was my fault. I'm sorry." Yoko said.

"It's okay but why didn't you just knock on the door?" Ms. Thornhill asks.

"I had it locked and they knocked on the door. I didn't want to answer the door." Valentina answered.

"Makes sense. Also here is all your homework from today." Ms. Thornhill said.

"Thank you." Valentina said grabbing the papers.

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