Chapter 6

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Third P.O.V.

Bianca and Valentina were in the latter's room studying.

"No, no, you are doing that part wrong." Valentina told the girl seeing her mistake on one of their teachers assignment.

"I don't understand this class. He teaches us dumb shit." Bianca complained.

"Are you failing his class?" Valentina countered.

"No." Bianca answered.

"Bianca, you are the best student in this class. Why are you asking me for help?" Valentina asks causing the girl to go quiet.

"I know the reason." Vera said.

"Vera, shut up." Valentina told her other side.

"What's she saying?" Bianca asks.

"Just something stupid." Valentina told her.

Bianca looks at the time and sees it's almost curfew.

"I have to go." Bianca said and quickly grab her things.

Valentina watches her.

"Be careful please and don't get caught." Valentina told her friend.

"I'll be fine." Bianca said kissing her cheek before rushing out of the room, not seeing Valentina's blushing face.

Valentina puts away her school notebooks and papers away before changing into her PJs.

"I need advice. But who should I go too?" Valentina asks quietly.

"You can always go to Yoko. She and Divina are dating, so you should ask for advice." Vera told her.

"That's a good idea. Plus she's two doors away across the hallway." Valentina said.

"She's also still awake. So you'd be able to go to her room." Vera said.

"Thanks, Vera." Valentina told her friend.

Valentina quickly looked out the hallway seeing no one before rushing towards Yoko's room. She gently knocked before she heard shuffling in her room.

The door opens to reveal Yoko. The vampire girl looked at Valentina in confusion, before moving aside to let her in.

"How can I help you, Valentina?" Yoko asks.

"How can I help you, Valentina?" Yoko asks

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"I need advice." Valentina said sitting on a chair while Yoko sat on her bed.

"What kind?" Yoko asks.

"Feelings and sorta relationship advice." Valentina answered meekly.

Yoko sits up straight ready to listen.

"Do tell. I'm curious and all ears." Yoko told the teen.

"I have fallen for both Bianca and Xavier. But I'm not sure how they feel about me." Valentina said.

"What do you feel when you are around them?" Yoko asks.

"I feel butterflies when I'm around them. And I start getting nervous." Valentina said.

"Did anything happen in the last twenty-four hours I should probably know about?" Yoko asks.

"Me and Bianca were studying in my room just ten minutes ago. It was almost curfew and she quickly packs her things up, kissed my cheek and ran out of the room. Xavier did too just three hours before." Valentina answered

"You are in love with them." Yoko confirmed. "But if you'd like, I can talk to Divina and have her ask a few harmless questions to Bianca and have Ajax ask a few harmless questions to Xavier."

"Will that work?" Valentina asks.

"Probably." Yoko said before seeing it's two minutes before curfew. "You might want to get back to your dorm."

Valentina checked the time and nodded. She thanked Yoko before running out of the room to her dorm.

*Next day*

It was the weekend and Valentina got ready.

It was the weekend and Valentina got ready

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Valentina's outfit

She leaves her room heads to the quad, where she only sees a few people. She goes to one of the corners to read and she's able to get a good view point, so she'd be able to see everyone.

But they wouldn't be able to see her unless they walk towards the corner or walk in the shade.

She was so into her book she didn't notice someone approaching her. She saw the shadow and looked up to see Divina.

 She saw the shadow and looked up to see Divina

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"Hello, Divina." Valentina greeted and let the girl sit next to her.

"So, Yoko gave me the details after you left her room. And let me say I'm all in." Divina said.

"Thank you, Divina." Valentina said with a smile.

"Of course." Divina said before she looks up to see Bianca and Xavier walking into the quad. "I have to go. See you later."

"Bye." Valentina said as she watched Divina walk away.

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