Chapter 7

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Third P.O.V.

Almost every student went into town. Valentina was in her dorm doing some last minute studying, as Bianca, Xavier, Kent, Divina, Yoko and Ajax were in the courtyard at the fountain.

The group were coming up with a plan for the couple to add Valentina to their relationship.

"Just go up to her room and kiss her. Then ask her if she wants to join your relationship." Yoko said with her arms crossed.

"It is not that simple, babe." Divina told her.

"Sorry." Yoko said.

"It could work." Kent said agreeing with Yoko.

"Fine we will try it." Bianca agrees.

She grabs Xavier's hand and the two rush towards Ophelia Hall. The couple didn't pass an adults seeing as they were in a faculty meeting.

They soon appear at Valentina's door. Bianca knocks on it. They wait for a few seconds before the door opens. But at the door was Vera not Valentina.

"Hi Vera-" Xavier greets but he and Bianca are brought inside.

"Why are you in control?" Bianca asks.

"Valentina, had a nightmare. So when she has those she accidently lets me have control. I usually have control for an hour or two, depending how bad it is." Vera said.

"How long have you had control?" Xavier asks as he and Bianca sit at the desk.

"Almost an hour. I feel her calming down." Vera answered.

"You feel her?" Bianca asks confused.

"How does that work?" Xavier asks.

"We are connected. What she feels I feel, what I feel she feels." Vera explained.

"I guess that makes sense." Bianca said, before Vera shrinks.

That's when Valentina appears.

"I guess Vera told you what happened?" Valentina asks.

"Yeah, she did." Bianca said.

"And it's alright, Val. We all have our flaws that we own up to." Xavier adds.

"Thanks I guess." Valentina said sitting on her bed.

Bianca leaves her spot and sat down next to Valentina as Xavier sits on the other side of her.

"What did you guys need?" Valentina asks getting up.

"We have a few questions. But please before you freak out, just let us ask the questions." Bianca said.

"And you might want to sit down." Xavier adds.

"Okay, I'm seated." Valentina said sitting down on her desk chair.

"What do you feel when we are around you?" Bianca asks.

Valentina instantly knew what she meant.

"I feel butterflies and a few things in between." Valentina answered.

"Second question." Xavier said. "What would you do if I did this?"

"Do what-" Valentina asks before being cut off by lips kissing hers.

She kisses back instantly before Xavier is replaced by Bianca. The two kiss before the couple sits back on the bed leaving Valentina a blushing mess.

"F-first off I would be a blushing mess. Second I want to kiss you back." Valentina answers.

"And one final question." Bianca starts.

"Would you be our girlfriend?" The two ask.

"Yes, I'd love to be your girlfriend." Valentina said before the three hear cheers from outside her door.

"You guys!! That's invasion of privacy!!" Valentina yells causing her new boyfriend and girlfriend to laugh.

The door opens to reveal; Yoko, Divina, Kent and Ajax.

"See told you it would work." Yoko said.

"Fine, you were right." Divina said.

"Congrats." Kent said.

"Thanks, Kent. This is why you are my favorite." Valentina said with a smile.

Yoko and Divina both gasp offended. The group all laugh.

"Are we going to tell them what supernatural you are?" Bianca asks.

Valentina instantly knew what she meant and nods.

"Can you guys keep a secret?" Valentina asks.

"Of course." The four agreed.

"Even though I look human, I sorta still am. But not totally." Valentina said confusing the four.

"Can I come out now?" Vera asks.

"No you can not come into the out now." Valentina said confusing the four even more.

Vera just grumble and went quiet.

"I have an other side to me. Her name is Vera and my dad also has one called, Venom." Valentina said. "With me so far?"

She got four nods as Bianca and Xavier sat back on the bed.

"Vera, come out now." Valentina told her friend.

That's when Vera takes control of Valentina's body. The four all gasp at Vera who was huge.

"I'm Vera. Hello, it's so nice to meet you." Vera said.

"Oh shit." Ajax said as he walked around Vera.

"Are you checking her out?" Xavier asks.

"No! Just amazed at what I'm seeing." Ajax answered.

"Were you born into Valentina or did this happen later in her life?" Yoko asks. "Wow that's a sentence I'd never thought I'd say."

Vera chuckles.

"It happened later in life. Valentina's father has my father, Venom. Who transfered himself into Valentina's father when he had cancer. So we can eliminate any disease in any body we are in. My father, Venom took a little piece of him and made me." Vera explained.

"And why did Valentina keep this from us?" Divina asks.

"Principle Weems and Valentina's father decided it be best that I stay hidden until Valentina met some friends and got to know them." Vera said.

"I guess that makes sense." Kent said.

"Do you have favorites like Valentina does?" Yoko asks.

"Yes, in a matter of fact I do." Vera said. "It's Kent."

That's when Vera decides to let Valentina have control but Vera being half of Valentina's face.

"Holy shit! That's awesome." Everyone in the room chorused together.

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