Chapter 5

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Third P.O.V.

Its been a few months since Valentina started Nevermore. Everyone watched as Bianca, Valentina and Xavier get closer. Everyone had bets of when the the couple would add Valentina to their relationship.

They were currently in the quad. They were studying together, doing Ms. Thornhill's assignment.

 Thornhill's assignment

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Valentina's outfit

"I'm hungry." Vera said causing Valentina to stop her writing.

"Val?" Bianca asks.

"It's nothing. I need to go talk to Weems." Valentina said as she quickly packs her things and left the quad.

She heads straight to Weems office. She barges in and sees the woman.

"Ms. Brock, how can I help you?" Weems asks.

"Vera needs to eat. But you won't like what she eats." Valentina told the woman.

"And what does Vera eat?" Weems asked.

"Humans." Valentina answered causing the older woman to stand immediately. "Before you say a word. She eats rapists, murderers and criminals."

Weems calms down. But before the woman can say something, Valentina's phone goes off. She takes it out to see her father's name.

"Hold on one moment." Valentina said.

She turns around.

"Dad?"  Valentina asks.

"Did Vera tell you she was hungry?" Eddie asks.

"Yeah, how did you know?"  Valentina asks.

"I think you forget that Vera and Venom are connected."  Eddie told his daughter. "So when Venom is hungry so is Vera."

"I'm talking to Weems right now. She's not fond of Vera and Venom's appetite." Valentina said.

"I have to go. I'll send you the location of where to meet me and Venom." Eddie told her before ending the call.

"Weems, you must let me leave. Vera and Venom need to eat. We will leave Jericho, maybe go three towns over." Valentina suggested.

"Yes, now go." Weems said.

Valentina quickly runs out and heads straight to the gate where she sees her father's car waiting for her.

She gets in the car and Eddie quickly drives away.

"So, how is school going?" Eddie asks.

"Good." Valentina said before she debated whether or not if she should ask her dad a burning question she had. "Dad when did you know you were in love with my mother or Anne?"

"Where's this coming from?" Eddie asks.

"She's now figuring out she's in love with Bianca and Xavier." Vera said, making an appearance.

"Vera!!' Valentina exclaimed causing Eddie to laugh. "Shut up."

"Alright. But to answer your question. When I met Anne, it felt like butterflies and I thought she was very cute. And when I met your mother, I knew she was the one." Eddie said. "What do you feel when you look at them?"

"I feel butterflies in my stomach. And I want to be around them all the time. But when I want to confess to them I get choked up. Plus I'm not sure they feel the same." Valentina told her father.

"I know they feel the same about you." Eddie told his daughter.

"How do you know?" Valentina asks.

"Let's just say-" Eddie starts but is cut off.

"The two visited your father and asked him tons of questions." Venom said making an appearance.

"Venom!" Eddie exclaimed.

"Sorry." Venom said before he disappeared.

They soon arrive three towns over. Eddie parked the car in a parking lot.

"Meet me back here when you are done." Eddie told his daughter.

"Got it." Valentina said and she walks the opposite direction from her father.

She starts walking the streets.

"How should we play this?" Valentina asks quietly.

"Act like an innocent teen." Vera suggested.

"Perfect." Valentina said and put on her innocent look.

She walked for ten minutes before she felt someone grab a hold of her and drag her to the alley.

"No!! Let me go!!" Valentina yells before a hand covers her mouth.

She sees a man looking at her with a crazed look.

"Well aren't you a beauty." The man said with a purr.

Valentina looked at him.

"He's perfect. I smell raper." Vera said.

The man was about to pull Valentina's shorts down when Vera made an appearance.

"What the devil are you!?" The man yells.

"Your worst fucking nightmare. And my dinner." Vera spoke before she eats him.

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