Chapter 12

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*sorry it's a short chapter. I'm gonna be gone for a week but will try to update when I get back home*

Third P.O.V.

When the bell rang, Valentina booked it out of the room quickly. Everyone moved away from her because they knew she was going to find Xavier or Bianca.

She finds Xavier who noticed her immediately. He held his arms out and Valentina rushed into his arms.

"What happened?" Xavier asks.

"I'm being partnered with Addams for a project. And the teacher said the reason was because he'd think we will work well with each other." Valentine mumbled into her boyfriend's chest.

"That's bullshit." Xavier mumbled.

"I know and she's trying to figure me out." Valentina mumbled.

"Don't worry I won't let her find out about you." Xavier said kissing the top of her head. "Also what's the project about?"

"We have to pick a war and make a presentation as well as a slideshow." Valentina replied.

"That doesn't sound too bad." Bianca said appearing out of nowhere not really knowing the reason what the conversation was about.

"Not when you are partnered with Addams." Valentina replied.

"What!?" Bianca exclaimed.

"Yeah, so yay me." Valentina said a happy tone.

"What was the reason?" Bianca asks.

"He thinks that we'd work well with each other." Valentina mumbled.

"That's stupid." Bianca grumbles.

"I knowww." Valentina whines.

*Time slip*

It was the last class of the day. Valentina was seated next to Bianca who had Divina on the other side of her.

Xavier sat on the desk next to them which had an empty seat. Which of course Wednesday took.

Valentina thumped her head on the desk as they waited for the teacher to arrive. Bianca pats her back.

"I'm hungry." Vera spoke up.

"Fuck!" Valentina hissed.

"What's wrong?" Divina and Bianca asks together.

Valentina quickly grabs a notebook and pen to write them what Vera told her.

"Didn't she just eat?" Divina whispers.

Valentina nodded before leaning down to write again.

"She ate just last week. She usually eats once a month." Valentina wrote.

"Is it that bad?" Divina asks.

"I'm not sure. I'll text dad after class." Valentina replied.

She noticed Xavier had a drawing of a spider across the table towards Wednesday who didn't look impressed.

She smashes it with a deadpanned look. Everyone silently chuckles.

"Isn't she such a joy." Vera mumbled.

Valentina chuckles causing Bianca and Divina to look at her.

"Vera?" The two asks.

"Yup." Valentina replied.

That's when Ms. Thornhill walked in and starts class. She was showing them different flowers and asking what each flower was. Only Bianca, Valentina and Wednesday were the only ones who knew what each were.

They were fighting to explain what each of the flowers were. That was until there was a flower that stumped both Bianca and Wednesday.

"The Evening Primrose. Oenothera biennis, commonly known as evening primrose, has sweet yellow flowers and is prolific throughout the US. Native to North America, this wildflower blooms at night from May to July and is known to have a variety of medicinal uses.
Age for it is twelve years and the duration is three to twelve months." Valentina spoke after twenty seconds of silence.

"That is correct." Ms. Thornhill said with a smile.

*Another time skip*

Valentina was in her room with Bianca, Divina and Yoko as well as the boy they had snuck in.

Valentina was on her bed with Bianca and Xavier as everyone else of the friend group were seated either on the chairs spread throughout the room, the couch or the other bed.

Vera was being half of Valentina's face as well so she could talk as well.

"Oh shit!" Valentina exclaimed rushing over to desk to grab her phone.

"What?" Bianca asks.

"I totally forgot to call my dad." Valentina answered.

She quickly taps her dad's name and the phone starts ringing.

"Yes my favorite daughter?" Eddie's voice is heard from the other side.

"One I'm your only daughter. And two dad we have a slight problem." Valentina starts.

"What's the problem?"  Eddie asks.

"During class Vera told me she's hungry even though she ate last week. Has Venom tell you he's hungry?" Valentina asks as she sits on her bed.

"No he hasn't. But it's weird because the two eat once a month." Eddie said.

"Vera if you are listening you are not actually hungry stop lying to Valentina." Venom's voice is heard.

"I'm not lying." Vera said with a hiss.

"I can feel when you are hungry." Venom replied.

"I'm hungry." Vera stubbornly said.

Eddie and Venom's groans are heard on the phone.

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