Chapter 1/13

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    I exit the hyperlope freezing cold to the point that each breath I released revealed itself in fog-like form. I think I should either make a thicker coat or double up because of how cold it’s been getting.

 The snow was making it difficult to see anything other than white. I hope everyone, the shopkeepers and children that play in the streets, made it home before the blizzard hit.

 I find my way back to the place I call home. At this point I didn’t need to see to know my path from the hyperloop to the stairs in front of the house. I then see light through the snow, coming straight from where my house should be. Did I leave the light on? As I get closer I can make out that the light was coming from a window on the first floor. Maybe Foolish or Puffy came by? No, it’s a fucking blizzard, not even Foolish is dumb enough to travel into Snowchester with this whether. So if it isn't the idiot - or idiot Junior - it must be… who the fuck is in my house? I quicken my steps, the snow covering the ground made this difficult, I take big quick steps towards the stairs of my house.

    Once I make it up the stairs, and save myself from slipping, I swing the door open. The door bangs harshly against the wall, the handle most likely leaving a dent in the wood. I then see a tall figure standing at the counter, then hear glass shatter. “Tubbo! Jesus man, you scared me.” The figure then bends down to pick up the broken glass from off the floor. My eyes finally adjust to the light and I recognize the tall figure as Ranboo, my husband. 


~22 days before~

    The kettle’s whistle is loud, interrupting the conversation Ranboo and I were having. Ranboo quickly turns off the stove and I take it upon myself to grab the handle of the kettle and pour the boiling water into the two cups Ranboo had out, both paired with a plate. It’s the fancy tea set that he’s always keen on using when I agree to drinking tea with him. I think he thinks it’s a tea party, we should have Micheal join with his teddy’s in that case. I place the kettle back onto the stove as Ranboo grabs his cup and plate duo. I grab onto my small plate and begin to walk to the table where Ranboo has already sat down. 

 I sit down across from Ranboo, seeing as there were only two chairs at the table there was no other option. Well there is the couch but Ranboo makes it a point to use the table since I so desperately needed one according to him.

 “It makes the whole place more homey.'

    I reach for the cup of sugar that Ranboo had already brought to the table before the water was boiled. Maybe this is a fucking tea party. I lift the spoon that was dug into the sugar and pour some into my cup. I then removed the tea bag seeing as my water was now stained a deep brown. I stir for a while before looking up towards Ranboo. “Why’d you come over?” I ask the hybrid since he randomly started to bang on the door at midnight with no warning, not even a message. 

    They softly shrug their shoulders as they lift their hand towards me. I quickly get the hint and hand over the spoon that I used to put sugar in my tea. “I just wanted to come over, see how you and Micheal are doing.” I watch as they drop sugar into the tea, a lot less than I had put in mine. They stir and stir, then place the spoon off to the side. I watch as he lifts the cup up and takes a drink, with his damn pinky out. How prestigious he is, huh? I then mirror their actions, lack of the pinky. It's an unfamiliar flavor that greets my tongue, a good taste nonetheless.  Ranboo must have gotten it from Niki, she always has random ingredients from Kinoko and her city. 

"How's Phil and Techno?" I ask, attempting small talk with my husband. I mean that’s what people usually do when they have tea or coffee with someone, right? They talk about how their day is going, catching up on life. I don’t know, I’m trying here. I then lift my legs so they rest on the table, because this position is a lot more comfortable then sitting normally. I notice how Ranboo eyes the legs that were so rudely just placed on the table. They don’t say anything about my feet on the table, they usually don’t. I think he doesn’t think it’s worth the effort since I would just ignore his complaints.

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